[TriLUG] Looking for a small Linux

Kevin Hunter hunteke at earlham.edu
Tue Apr 8 22:38:30 EDT 2008

At 6:52p -0400 on Tue, 08 Apr 2008, Douglas A. Whitfield wrote:
> .. but ouldn't compiling on AMD64 and then putting it on a P3, kinda
> not work?

No, it can work.  It's just compiling for one architecture on a
different architecture, or cross-compiling.  GCC has this capability
and more. The catch is that it isn't the easiest thing to do because
you have to worry about a *lot* of details, especially for a project of
any import. It either takes some setup/learning or the use of someone
else's setup for a specific architecture, but it can definitely be done.


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