[TriLUG] Fwd: [04/28 NC*SA System Admin Survival Series] Crossfire at NC*SA - Outsourcing

Brad Oaks bradoaks at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 13:23:51 EDT 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: NC*SA Announcements List - Moderated <ncsa-announce at ncsysadmin.org>
Date: Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 4:20 PM
Subject: [NCSA] [04/28 NC*SA System Admin Survival Series] Crossfire
at NC*SA - Outsourcing
To: NC*SA Announcements List - Moderated <ncsa-announce at ncsysadmin.org>

Dear NC*SA Members and System Admin Friends,

 The North Carolina System Administrators (NC*SA) will start a new series
 of workshop meetings from April: System Administrators Survival Series.

 The SASS will focus on the most addressed topics reflected from
 our recent online survey. Involvements from the audience
 at the meeting will be required to enhance the specifics of the
 system administrations.

 Speaker: NC*SA Members and Guests.
 Date: April 28th, Monday
 Time: Evening 7-9pm
 Location: UNC-TV Auditorium (Directions - at the end of this message)

 As the first SASS meeting, we will try to setup a crossfire battle field
 at NC*SA. The superposed topic is : Outsourcing.
 We will need to have the audience separated into four groups.
 Here is how it works:

 The Corporation Group
 This group needs to address the any possible issues, such as cost, etc.,
 to support outsourcing;

 The System Administrators Group
 This group represents the system admin who really need the job
 here at the corp either as the employee or contractor;

 The Anti-Outsource Group
 This group is against any outsource action period.

 The Judge Group
 This group will design the policies and rules, monitoring
 and hosting the crossfire.

 Please join us to have a fun at this first SysAdmin Survival Series.

 Please keep in mind that you will be assigned to a group if you
 did not pre-select any group or did not do any homework.

 Free Pizza diner will be served right at the middle of the crossfire
 when we call for a "Cease Fire".

 Our next SASS topic is "PCI Protection".

 Gold Sponsor:
 NetApp: http://www.netapp.com
 IBM: http://www.ibm.com
 Crossriver Lending Group: http://www.crossoverlending.com

 Silver Sponsors:
 UNC-TV - http://www.unc-tv.org
 TriLUG   - http://www.trilug.org

 NC*SA SC Committee


 Our meetings are free and open to anyone with an interest in the topic
 of the evening and/or system administration.  We will be providing food
 and drink for the evening. If you have any questions please contact the
 Steering Committee at:

 ncsa-steer at ncsysadmin.org


 Directions to the meeting are available on the web at
 or at

 ncsa-announce mailing list
 ncsa-announce at ncsysadmin.org

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