[TriLUG] Looking for jobs... any ideas?

Jim Tuttle jjtuttle at trilug.org
Tue May 13 08:42:01 EDT 2008

A large part of my job as a digital librarian at NC State, a large
research library, is exploring, implementing, and supporting open source
software.  The digital library space is ripe with open source projects
in spaces that commercial vendors haven't really expanded to fill.  My
knowledge of linux, GNU tools, and my interest in things like nuances of
file systems are some of the things that I believe led to my hire here.

I do other things, such as project management, publish, and present,
also mostly about use of open source software.  Perhaps you were only
curious how developers of open source projects make money, but there are
a lot of people like me out there.  We have a whole conference to
ourselves- Code4Lib.

I'll tell you, if you can't find a job with a BS in CS, take two years
off and get a Masters of Information Science.  You'll get paid to attend
and are virtually guaranteed a job with excellent benefits, 9-5 hours,
no pager, no pink slips, freedom to implement as you see fit, and
control of the whole development process rather than being a cog in the
machine.  Pay may be less than the private sector, but I'm not sure
that's the case.  The School of Library and Information Science at UNC
is tied for first in academic rankings with my alma mater, the
University of Illinois.  Degrees in both CS and Library and Information
Science are the holy grail in academic libraries.


Justis Peters wrote:
> Chris Calloway wrote:
>> On 5/12/2008 2:22 PM, Christopher L Merrill wrote:
>>> Yeah, that solves all your problems.  Except that trivial little
>>> nuisance of paying the bills  ;)
>> That's what I'm talking about. Paying the bills with open source. Lotsa 
>> people do.
> Chris,
> Can you comment more on this? If lots of people are doing it, perhaps 
> the rest of us need to know the path. Are you talking about selling 
> services around an open source product or putting a "donate" button on 
> your project's website?
> Kind regards,
> Justis

---Jim Tuttle
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x69B69B08

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