[TriLUG] Need IP tables help

Matthew Pusateri mpusateri at wickedtrails.com
Tue Jul 8 13:46:56 EDT 2008

This doesn't really sound like a iptables problem, it sounds more like  
a how do I get command line program x or script x to use the corporate  
proxy server.  Without more information on what you are specifically  
trying to do, it will be to hazard a guess on how to help you.

Matt P.

On Jul 8, 2008, at 1:42 PM, wayy2be wrote:

> I am having an issue with the following, I am a newbie to iptables.  
> Here is what I am trying to do:  I have this linux box on the  
> network, a window network, and it can access the internet fine with  
> a browser. However an scripts or command line commands that access  
> the internet are not working. We use a ISA server proxy for web  
> access. What would be the easiest way to make this work? Any help  
> would be great. Thanks. I am running Fedora Core 6
> -- 
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