[TriLUG] Career planning - certs(?)

Kristopher Kane kristopher.kane at gmail.com
Sun Sep 21 22:36:37 EDT 2008

Well, if DJS doesn't beat me to it while I am writing...

Here is my ad:

MWM seeks RHCE study for group play.  I can host but I doubt anyone wants to
drive to Fayetteville.  I can meet on most Saturdays or Sundays and provide
some equipment to either bring, or ssh into at $HOME.

What I have done so far:
DNS Cache server
DHCP server
NFS install with kickstart
Some simple custom SSHD and HTTPD stuff
LVM from the command line

Get Xen to load CENTOS 5 so I can restart instead of re-install. (really
having trouble with this)
NIS Server (RHCT/RHCE requirements state add client to LDAP/NIS.  Can't do
that without a server...)
LDAP Server
Connect clients to those

If anyone is interested in lab study, please let me know.  I can be found on
freenode, just send a /msg to kane.

-Kristopher Kane

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Cristóbal Palmer <cmp at cmpalmer.org> wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 9:45 PM, Alan Porter <porter at trilug.org> wrote:
> >
> >
> > You might also try asking this sort of question on IRC.
> He did. I pointed him here.
> So that I'm not utterly worthless to this conversation, I'll toss out
> my own path: started with my own laptop. Went cold turkey, quitting XP
> for Debian. Got myself hired at a small company (I was employee #3).
> Came back to school to finish my undergraduate work. Stayed around and
> am still here for a Masters of Science in Information Science at UNC.
> I work for ibiblio.org, which is a collaboration of two schools here
> at UNC.
> Not that my path is terribly useful to you. There are many paths, none
> more valid than the one that makes you happy.
> If I were you, I'd take a step back and ask what it is about the title
> "sysadmin" that makes you want it. Is it the sysadmins you personally
> know and look up to? Is it something else? I've known some very happy
> sysadmins and some very stressed-out ones. I know sysadmins in
> academia and sysadmins out in the corporate world. There are many
> different sub-species of sysadmin.
> I guess what I'm saying is, pick a more specific goal and then work
> for that. Also, if you decide you want to wander down the RHCE path,
> let this list know because a study group might pop out of nowhere.
> Cheers,
> --
> Cristóbal M. Palmer
> "Small acts of humanity amid the chaos of inhumanity provide hope. But
> small acts are insufficient."
>  -- Paul Rusesabagina
> --
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