[TriLUG] OOo, PDF and Lulu

Neil L. Little nllittle at embarqmail.com
Mon Apr 13 10:57:34 EDT 2009

And to make matters worse the big mamajama at LuLu is Bob Young! I am 
appalled and mortified!

Neil, WA4AZL

Tim Jowers wrote:
> Screw LuLu for not supporting Linux and not even documenting this.
> Otherwise, LuLu is totally great. Their support folks are great and
> their stream-lined process is great. A good experience overall (of
> course writing tech books is a huge money/time loser - but that's not
> just because its in a recession. I confirmed with friends who wrote
> for Microsoft Press and for O'Reilly and others and an enormously
> successful tech book is one which nets you $6000. You have to
> understand the author ends up with like 50 cents on a $24 book. In
> LuLu tyhe author gets more but has to pay around $150 to get going. A
> very successful book on LuLu might net you $1000 over two years - I
> still hope I can attain that lofty goal. Unseccessful books net you
> $1-$100 if priced right - higher is better since it is a niche market.
> :-)
> Bet wishes,
> Tim
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 8:21 AM, Tim Jowers <timjowers at gmail.com> wrote:
>> No need for .dork files!  Linux can do it all.
>>  Print to ps file and ps2pdf.  I've done it for several books and
>> released them through LuLu. Oo Writer is a very great tool for writing
>> books. I used 100% open source products to produce my Business Guide
>> to Free Information Technology in 2006. The one shortcoming I did find
>> in writer was in producing a website of your book. Of course that is a
>> special case. I wound up writing some Java code to take the one big
>> hue HTML file they kick out and turn it into a chapter by chapter
>> website. I think its something like:
>> ps2pdf14 -dSubsetFonts=false -dEmbedAllFonts=true DaPostScrip.ps DaRevToLuLu.pdf
>> BTW, one of the original - if not the original - uses of Unix was in publishing.
>> Rockon open source,
>> Tim
>> On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 11:37 PM, Kevin Kreamer <kevin at kreamer.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Your best bet is to have OOo save as .doc format, and run that through
>>> Lulu's converter process. Afterwards you'll be able to download the
>>> resulting PDF, to make sure everything looks the way you like.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Kevin
>>> On Sunday, April 12, 2009, Brian McCullough <bdmc at bdmcc-us.com> wrote:
>>>> Folks,
>>>> Since I got good results last time I passed on a message from my author
>>>> friend, he asked me to try again.
>>>> After a lot of discussion ( apparently ), he was told by Lulu that they
>>>> would accept a PDF file, rather than .odt or anything else that OOo
>>>> would produce.
>>>> However, he finds that the PDFs that he is producing are being rejected
>>>> because they don't have embedded fonts.  He has been trying all sorts of
>>>> parameters in OOo ( as far as he knows ) and still Lulu rejects the
>>>> file.
>>>> Any suggestions for making Lulu happy with his PDF file?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Brian
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