[TriLUG] If you're using Linux it seems best to stay out of Massachusettes

Neil L. Little nllittle at embarqmail.com
Sat Apr 18 11:12:22 EDT 2009

There was something else on Slash Dot the other day talking about those 
using Proxies, VPNs, and SSH tunnels to hide their Identity or location 
being considered illegal and would mean that to do so would cause extra 
jail time.

We are talking about the things we do every day just communicate in a 
secure manner.

Ok, It appears the EFF resolved it.

Neil, WA4AZL

Kevin Flanagan wrote:
> I was just up there, it was on the news a good bit, mostly the attitude is
> that the "police" are idiots. it's a classic case of "police" not
> understanding things and applying the wrong tools to a job.  He may have
> done a prank email by telnetting to port 25 of the mail server and forging a
> message, but not malicious. BC Campus police are using law enforcement
> tools, they confiscated all electronics from a CS major, iPod and all, he's
> fighting it.
> Kevin
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Greg Brown <gwbrown1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Natick is a fine town.
>> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 11:17 PM, Kristopher Kane <
>> kristopher.kane at gmail.com
>>> wrote:
>>> O> If you're going to use Linux, better stay out of Massachusetts!
>>> Perhaps there should be more Linux users in Massachusetts.
>>> -kkane
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