[TriLUG] Screen Profiles in Ubuntu 9.04

Paul McLanahan pmclanahan at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 11:14:52 EDT 2009

Hi All,

I just found and started using the new Jaunty package screen-profiles,
am really finding it useful so far, and thought others might as well.


It's just a collection of add-ons for screen that make it a kind-of
text-based window manager. It has a task bar at the bottom for
displaying useful info, and a config menu for making easy changes or
installing it to run at login. It also makes some advanced screen
features available to mere mortals. I'm sure it is, or will be
available for other distros, but I have no info on that front.



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unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of
 - Ayn Rand

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