[TriLUG] Android Phone vs iPhone vs other smartphones

David Black dave at jamsoft.com
Wed Mar 17 22:23:14 EDT 2010

I recently switched from iPhone 3G to Droid and could hardly be happier.  Frequent dropped calls in the grocery store, while sitting on 15-501 and other times, even with five bars, got old.   It's refreshing to again have a phone that actually holds calls, even within most buildings!

Here you'll find a sample and ffmpeg script I hacked together to produce visually flawless, full-res video for playback on the Droid:  http://xen3.relay.net/~dave/droid/     BTW, encoding to 856 horizontal pixels is not an error.

The lack of support for Exchange security policies in Android 2.x was an early disappointment, but I've come to prefer the compartmentalization the Touchdown Exchange client app provides, even if it did cost $20.  This way only the client app and cached data from Exchange are locked down/encrypted, not the entire phone (which happens to belong to me, not my employer).

BTW, anyone who hosts email on the Zimbra community edition and wants to try/help debug an Active Sync plugin, check out http://z-push.sourceforge.net/soswp/ and the Zimbra backend plugin, http://zimbrabackend.sourceforge.net/
The author of zimbrabackend has a Palm Pre and we have iPhone and Android users testing as well.   I currently use it only for contacts sync but email and calendar are coming along.


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