[TriLUG] Red Hat, GNOME, and Canonical, oh my

matt at noway2.thruhere.net matt at noway2.thruhere.net
Fri Jul 30 13:35:36 EDT 2010

Project commits are a metric. Like material costs in a product, they are
an easy metric to obtain.  Like material costs, project commits don't tell
the whole story and are not an indicator of quality, success, effort or
anything other than what they are quantifying.

Brian (who's old enough to have fought these over Atari800 vs C64), you
reminded me of those days and the wars between the C64 vs Atari and the
C64 versus the AppleII versus the TRS-80.  In many ways I recall years as
a mini personal computing golden age. In the days before the internet, we
had communities of dial up BBS and services such as Q-Link (predecessor to
AOL) and Compuserve.  Forums, email, on-line gaming, encyclopedias, etc.

I hope that these articles aren't foreshadowing of what will become of the
Linux environment;  all of those products and all but one of the companies
quickly fell into non-existance and left a void that took several years to

The other thought I had from these articles was the idea of having one
commercial entity being able to potentially dominate a core piece of many
Linux systems by making code changes to potentially better suit their
interests a bit disconcerting.

> On 07/30/2010 12:25 PM, Tarus Balog wrote:
>> and then gdk responded:
>> http://gregdekspeaks.wordpress.com/2010/07/30/its-not-about-tribalism-mark/
>> Just curious what TriLUGers thought.
> That both (Cano/RH) play good roles in the Linux community and that the
> "my distro rocks, yours sucks!" wars are stupid.
> --Brian
> (who's old enough to have fought these over Atari800 vs C64)
> --
> And yet less thanks have we than you.  Users scowl at us, and reporters
> give us scornful names.  "Geek" I am to one fat man who lives a firewall
> away from foes that would steal his identity or lay his little computer
> in ruin, if it was not guarded ceaselessly.  Yet we would not have it
> otherwise.
>                                      ---Aragorn, sysadmin.
> Brian Daniels                  bitmage at pobox.com
>        http://www.eviloverlord.net
> --
> This message was sent to: Matt Flyer <matt at noway2.thruhere.net>
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