[TriLUG] OT: URGENT: H.129 to be heard in Thursday's Finance Committee!

Cristóbal Palmer cmp at cmpalmer.org
Wed Mar 16 09:05:52 EDT 2011

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 4:31 PM, David Hostetler
<hostetler.david at gmail.com> wrote:
> "Or, to take a counterexample, maybe Sweden or Norway, where the
> population is less dense than ours and they still have managed to get
> broadband penetration at a rate 30-50% higher than in the U.S. EUR90/mo
> in Sweden will get you 1Gbps. Let me know when their imminent collapse
> becomes even more imminent than it is now."
> Ha!  I didn't even have to look hard to find this.
> The crisis of the 1990s was by some viewed as the end of the much buzzed
> welfare model called "Svenska modellen", literally "The Swedish Model", as
> it proved that governmental spending at the levels previously experienced in
> Sweden was not long term
> sustainable.<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Sweden#cite_note-12>

That refers to their entire national economy, and they did not abandon
it wholesale. It's also wildly off-topic.

1) It's another country.
2) It doesn't actually support your argument. See for example:
3) We're talking about municipal network providers (see link above
again) here, not national level.
4) We're talking about networks, not whole national economies or
economic models.

Please try to stay on point.

Cristóbal Palmer
A citizen.

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