[TriLUG] Looking for Partners on Pro-Linux Project

Matt Pusateri mpusateri at wickedtrails.com
Tue Apr 26 09:51:23 EDT 2011

Only if we can also do a spoof on the Windows commercial where the guy walks around the house, saying what if my documents from my home computer just showed up on my work computer, and my movies on my laptop just showed up on my TV.  I'd like to spoof that one, what if my viruses, from my home computer just showed up on my work computer, and on every computer in the house as he walked from room to room :)

Matt P.

On Apr 26, 2011, at 9:32 AM, Russ Jones wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I have an idea for a pro-linux commercial I would like to create. It would
> probably start out as just a viral video kind of thing, but hopefully it
> would end up in getting some support from the more well-to-do in our
> community. I have very limited knowledge of how to go about something like
> this. Anybody interested? No real time-frame, just a pipe dream at the
> moment.
> Anyway, here is the gist...
> *Scene 1:* Family rushes into an emergency room, Dad holding son in arms who
> seems to be injured...
> *Voiceover: *"What if millions of doctors, nurses, and medical staff got
> together to build the world's greatest hospital"
> *Scene: *Dad hugging son with cast on arm, sign in background reads "no
> copay"
> *Voiceover:* "And then treated everyone for free"
> *Scene 2: *Mom and Dad sitting watching a symphony, kids in a crowd watching
> some teen idol perform...
> *Voiceover: *"What if millions of the worlds artists, entertainers, stage
> hands, and tech crews got together to make the world's greatest festival"
> *Scene:* Camera raises into the sky to show several outdoor amphitheaters
> and millions of people or cars pouring in, like field of dreams...
> *Voiceover: *"And then gave everyone free tickets"
> *Scene 3:* Kids playing on computer->dad on work computer->mom on
> laptop->etc...
> *Voiceover:* "What if millions of the world's computer scientists,
> programmers, graphic designers, and software experts got together to make
> the world's greatest Operating System"
> *Scene:* Close ups of cool linux eye-candy
> *Voiceover:* "And then gave it away for free"...
> *Voiceover:* "What if they already did"
> And then a link to like GetLinux.com or something
> Anybody interested?
> -- 
> This message was sent to: M. Pusateri <mpusateri at wickedtrails.com>
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