[TriLUG] Linux community link building campaign?

Warren Myers volcimaster at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 13:31:32 EDT 2011

An "active" campaign? Not sure much that I know of: but an *awful* lot of
people and places "link back" to various Linux sites (Canonical, Red Hat,
SuSE, etc).

Lots of research, commercial, personal, and educational sites have Linux
info and "back links" as well.


On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 23:29, Jeremy Davis <jeremydavis at jeremydavis.biz>wrote:

> Hey, does anyone know if there is any sort of link building strategy for
> Linux. I pulled some info on the proprietary competitors (see links below).
> It just seems like Linux should have an advantage here because of the
> community. Microsoft and Apple probably pay big money for their links. If
> everyone would hop on board and leave a backlink or two for Linux on
> quality
> sites it would make a difference. Especially if the links are on .edu sites
> for example.
> http://siteanalytics.compete.com/linux.com+apple.com+microsoft.com/
> http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/apple.com
> http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/microsoft.com
> http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/linux.org
> http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/linuxfoundation.org
> I tried to put the info below in a table with 4 columns, I hope it makes
> sense.
> Alexa Traffic Rank            Sites Linking In   Global Rank        Rank in
> US
> apple.com                          139375
>  36
> 26
> microsoft.com                  232551                                28
> 29
> linux.com                           6272
> 10293                   9608
> linuxfoundation.org         1400                                    64383
> 54404
> google.com                       704402                                1
> 1
> facebook.com                   1216699                             2
> 2
> twitter.com                       1029011                             9
> 8
> Lower numbers mean higher rank. For example Google is ranked number 1 which
> is the highest possible.
> --
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Warren Myers

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