[TriLUG] IPv6 Networking on CentOS (RHEL)

Randy Barlow randy at electronsweatshop.com
Wed Dec 21 16:33:05 EST 2011

On 12/21/2011 07:33 AM, Jym Williams Zavada wrote:
> Actually, the automatic addressing that IPv6 uses is quite predictable
> and hence easily treated as static addresses.  Like v4 it has a subnet
> portion and a host portion, with the host portion incorporating the MAC
> address of the ethernet interface.  The URL below does a good job of
> explaining it:
> http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_IPv6InterfaceIdentifiersandPhysicalAddressMapping-2.htm
> And there are ways to avoid using real MAC addresses for security reasons,
> but I've no idea how that works, so you'll have to google for it.

This is true if you are using v6 autoconfiguration, but nothing says
that you need to do that. I happen to use it on my networks because it
is simple and I like it, but you can also just configure a host to use a
specific address (I do this for my router) with its own interface
configuration. You can even use DHCP6 to assign your own scheme if you
like. The nice thing about autoconfig is that there is no need for DHCP
on your network (though you will want to use a router advertisement
daemon, like radvd…) There are plenty of options!


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