[TriLUG] Raspberry Pi USB hub

Roy Vestal rvestal at trilug.org
Thu Sep 6 10:35:16 EDT 2012

I use the TriLUG discount all the time at Intrex. 3 times in the past 2 
weeks as a matter of fact.


On 9/5/12 2:09 PM, Joseph Mack NA3T wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Sep 2012, brett bolen wrote:
>> (I did not ask for the fabled 'trilug discount').
> You have to ask for it or else they'll think the discount isn't 
> attracting anyone and they'll stop it. :-)
> As well if you go in there, let them know you're from TriLUG, and be 
> courteous, rather than abusing them for selling Windows (which makes 
> all their money), as some of us have done, then they'll be glad that 
> we're around and that they gave us the discount, and they will think 
> of us as a resource in the area.
> Joe
> -- 
> Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
> jmack (at) wm7d (dot) net - azimuthal equidistant map
> generator at http://www.wm7d.net/azproj.shtml
> Homepage http://www.austintek.com/ It's GNU/Linux!

Roy Vestal

   /v\    L   I   N   U   X
  // \\  >Phear the Penguin<
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"I sense much NT in you, NT leads to Blue Screen.  Blue Screen leads to downtime, downtime leads to suffering. NT is the path to the darkside."   - Unknown Unix Jedi

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