[TriLUG] Network Attached Storage Recommendation

Ron Kelley rkelleyrtp at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 11:21:38 EDT 2013

OpenFiler, FreeNAS, Nexanta, or OpenIndiana on x86 Solaris.


Ron Kelley
rkelleyrtp at gmail.com

On Mar 11, 2013, at 11:19 AM, matt at noway2.thruhere.net wrote:

> At work, we have some Windows servers that are used for common shared
> drive access via mapped drive syncing.  This has proven itself to be
> problematic in terms of reliability.  For example, someone will make a
> change to a file only to find later that it didn't really update when
> someone else tries to access it, yet gave no indication of an error.
> I was discussing this situation with a fellow employee who is in the IT
> department and he suggested getting an NAS instead of relying on Windows
> servers.
> I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a decent NAS device
> that is reliable, moderately priced, and would appeal to someone who
> strongly prefers Linux or BSD over Windows.  It would be used primarily as
> shared storage and backup rather than rapid file access.  Most of the
> machines in the dept are Windows based with centralized Active Directory
> Authentication and support for this would be a bonus.
> -- 
> This message was sent to: Ron Kelley <rkelleyrtp at gmail.com>
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