[TriLUG] June Hack Day - June 22, Mann 301

Barry Peddycord III bwpeddyc at ncsu.edu
Fri Jun 14 09:48:36 EDT 2013

Hai Lugz:

Need a way to beat the heat? Working on a project you want to share with
some fellow geeks? Well, look no further, because next week, we'll be
meeting in Mann Hall for the SUMMER HACK DAY!

For those of you who don't know about hack days, they are events where
we get a bunch of people in a room to work on personal projects in the
company of other likeminded people. It's an amazing experience, since
you are right within earshot of enough people with expertise that
SOMEBODY is bound to be able to understand what you're doing and offer
their take on it.

Are you making a game? Building a website? Taking a MOOC? All of these
can be done at a hack day!

Saturday, June 22, 2013
>From Noon to 9
Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
Mann Hall, Room 301

Bring a project! Bring a snack! Bring a friend!

Barry Peddycord III

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