[TriLUG] 9KB moderation trigger [Was: Bounce?]

Cristóbal Palmer cmp at cmpalmer.org
Mon Jul 8 12:17:53 EDT 2013

We have had multiple conversations about the 9KB moderation trigger, including the problem of multipart messages tripping the limit even if the plan text portion is well below 9KB. See a recent discussion here: http://www.trilug.org/pipermail/trilug/Week-of-Mon-20121217/067702.html


* Please post trimmed, meaningful replies.
* Please use plain text (not HTML) when posting to TriLUG lists.
* If you don't feel like doing the above, please be patient as we (volunteers) get to the moderation queue.

The above is not a heavy burden, and it will make for a better list for everybody.

Alternate Takeaway:

Please volunteer to help pilot (no pun intended) a mailman 3 installation and better tools for moderation.

Cristóbal Palmer

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