[TriLUG] Debian packaging commands help

Scott G. Hall scott at hallcomm-inc.com
Thu May 29 11:32:23 EDT 2014

I have doing some research, and am stuck on something:

Does anybody know what the Debian package command (dpkg, apt-???, etc) and
options would get me a list of packages installed in order of most recent to
earliest?  I'm not looking for version info, but rather a list of packages that
I have added recently in the order I added them.  I don't seem to find what I
need from *dpkg-query* for instance.

If nothing else, does anyone already have an awk/perl/python script to parse out
*/var/log/dpkg.log** ?  The caveat I see to that approach is its hard to
distinguish those packages added via *apt-get full-upgrade* and just via
*apt-get install*.

Any other insight here would help as well.

Scott G. Hall
Owner & Chief Engineer
Hall Communications
Raleigh, NC, USA
Scott at HallComm-Inc.Com

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