[TriLUG] TriLUG is a 501(c)(3) public charity

Hrivnak, Michael via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Sun Jul 12 17:31:13 EDT 2015

I am very happy to announce that TriLUG has again achieved nonprofit
status! The IRS has classified us as a public charity, which means we don't
have to pay income tax, and donors can deduct contributions on their own

Furthermore, this status has been granted retroactively to May of 2010.

While ensuring that we can continue to operate in the ways with which we
are all familiar, this determination opens up new opportunities to seek
support for worthwhile projects. If you have an idea for a new way that
TriLUG could serve the public and further our mission, let us know. And of
course hand-in-hand with that invitation, if you are aware of a possible
funding source or sponsor that would be interested in supporting our
current work or a new project, please help us make that connection.

If you have any questions, please ask (not that this is a shy group...).

Thank you for being a part of the TriLUG community.

Your Treasurer,

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