[TriLUG] DevFestNC 2015 Call for Speakers

Luke Dary via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Wed Aug 26 11:19:09 EDT 2015

This year, DevFestNC will be held at the North Carolina School for Science
and Mathematics on Saturday, November 7th. The facilities will allow us to
easily accommodate multiple tracks for developers to follow. DevFestNC is a
great place to share talks you've been meaning to give, demo cool
techniques you've been using, or show off your latest project in whatever
state it might be in. It is less conference, and more a social gathering of
developers to share what interests them.

Applications for speaking or presenting are open, and flexible for anything
from a five minute demo to a 50-minute code walkthrough. Please fill out
this form to apply: http://goo.gl/forms/Hbknzxl7PE


Luke Dary
Organizer GDG Triangle

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