[TriLUG] Google Fiber Triangle Build out

John Vaughters via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Thu Aug 25 11:40:28 EDT 2016

There is 0.000001% chance they use point to point technology. Sure if you are an enterprise customer, I could see it, but then they will get the fiber link in the building. Other than that it will be blanket wireless coverage and it could be over a private spectrum if they buy the licenses. Who knows at this point, but it will not perform as originally advertised. A teenage prankster could jam an entire neighborhood for probably $30 and a laugh. One funny story for anyone not trying to call 911 if the perp was near, created a wireless phone jammer, because he didn't want people talking on the phone near him while he was driving. He was eventually caught, but do you want to expose your link to that ease of a hack. Anyway, 1GB link is only good if the other end has it too. I am all for it if you get it to my house on a cable. I would dearly love to drop TWC. I still cannot find better service though.

The 100-200 MB links for wire would be much more than most would ever need. No wireless for me, not at all. I think those techies that try it, will not be happy. The non-techies looking to stuff it to TWC, They will probably never know the difference. BUT, Google chose Raleigh for a reason, I always had it in my head it was because we have a High Tech population, especially when considering the colleges.
John Vaughters

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