[TriLUG] It's almost here! Our annual Christmas ( Holiday? ) gathering

Brian McCullough via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Tue Dec 12 10:06:53 EST 2023

Every year members of the Triangle Linux Users' Group meet to celebrate
years gone by and look forward to the next.

We welcome one and all to this evening of merriment and education.

If you have been exploring new ( or old ) technologies, or have a new
toy to show the group, we will be very pleased to see what you have to
show us.

The time for this meeting is approaching quickly. If you would like to
show off or even just discuss anything, whether brand new or just new to
us, feel free to "bring it with you" to this meeting.

This meeting will be held on your desktop ( or kitchen table, or couch,
or.... ) at 19:00 EST on Thursday 14 December, 2023.  We will use this
link to join together:  https://meet.jit.si/TriLUG

In Meetup, all of the relevant information can be found at:

Post Scriptum:  TriLUG, each month, is always looking for people who 
have interesting things to show the group, to reach people at all 
levels of expertise and interest.  We encourage you to join us and 
present on whatever topic interests you and might be of interest to us!

The presentation might include all of the bells and PowerPoint
whistles, or just be us sitting around a virtual coffee table, chatting.

We also plan to return to in-person meetings, as soon as we can locate a
space that is convenient for the greatest number of people.

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