--- Log opened Wed May 07 19:12:55 2003
-!- sweeper [~mbroome@moya.trilug.org] has joined #trilug-rhce
-!- Topic for #trilug-rhce: Next meeting - Wed May 7th -- 8pm right here in IRC
-!- Topic set by jeremyp [] [Wed May 7 09:19:34 2003]
[Users #trilug-rhce]
[@ChanServ] [ jeremyp] [ jimstigator] [ Nat_RH] [ sweeper] [ Tribot]
-!- Irssi: #trilug-rhce: Total of 6 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 5 normal]
-!- Channel #trilug-rhce created Sun Apr 6 17:01:25 2003
-!- Irssi: Join to #trilug-rhce was synced in 1 secs
-!- cybertooth [~cybertoot@rdu163-124-248.nc.rr.com] has joined #trilug-rhce
< cybertooth> I might be late tonight - running late with the kids...  Jon
-!- gmontag [~Eclectic@cpe-024-211-148-035.nc.rr.com] has joined #trilug-rhce
< cybertooth> I might be late tonight - running late with the kids...  Jon
< jeremyp> You're not late, you're early!  *grin*
-!- scottl [~scottl@user-0c8hpp4.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #trilug-rhce
-!- jtate [~chatzilla@] has joined #trilug-rhce
* jtate heads home. I'll join back in in about 5 minutes or so.
-!- jtate [~chatzilla@] has left #trilug-rhce []
< jeremyp> boy, I wish I lived 5 minutes from work
-!- RedWolfe [~chatzilla@durham-ar1-4-64-250-023.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #trilug-rhce
-!- ccw [~ccw@durham-ar1-4-64-250-023.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #trilug-rhce
* RedWolfe waves to all
* ccw looks around for Overclocked or MikeB. "Anybody know if they're coming?"
< jeremyp> I home Mike comes.  I need to make him post a biography for his Steering Committee candidacy :)
< sweeper> I'm here.  ovrclokd won't be here since she's in California for training
* ccw wonders who's going to record the session for her...
< sweeper> however, I have a presentation at work tomorrow that I need to start .. er .. finish tonight so I probably won't be contributing much
< sweeper> I'm logging the session for her
< jeremyp> sweeper: ah, you are here,  oops.  :)
* ccw nods
< sweeper> jeremyp: yeah, I'm working on that, too :)
-!- jtate [~jtate@rdu74-181-041.nc.rr.com] has joined #trilug-rhce
< jtate> Hello
< jeremyp> jtate: grr, I wish I lived that close to work
< jtate> It's awesome.
< jtate> Gonna start riding my bike.
< jtate> Well, for anyone who cares, my mail server migration went off without more than an annoying oversight.
< jeremyp> Cool.  What were you migrating to/from ?
< jtate> From a dual PIII 933 running RHL 7.3 to a dual 2.0 GHZ Xeon running RHL 9.
< jtate> Cyrus-imapd 2.0.16 to cyrus-imapd 2.1.12
< jtate> postfix 1.1.11 to postfix 2.0.9
< jtate> LDAP authentication
< jtate> etc.
< jeremyp> Did you end up fixing the postfix problem you were talking about earlier in #trilug ?
< jeremyp> Was it really a chroot issue?
< jtate> Yeah, but I had to use non-RH RPMS.
< jtate> When jtower joins, I'll tell you more about that.
-!- jtower [~jason@moya.trilug.org] has joined #trilug-rhce
< jtate> Speak of the devil.
< jeremyp> So whose RPMs did you use to install postfix?
< jeremyp> It's always worked out of the box in my experience.
< jeremyp> (with RH RPMs)
* jtower believes in being fashionable late
< jtate> Did you try using incoming AUTH using PAM?
< jeremyp> Sure, all authentication is PAM.
< jtate> I had smtpd_sasl_local_domain = mi-corporation.com
< jtate> smpt auth?
< jtate> It's set up for sasldb by default.
< jeremyp> on the trilug servers.  but I didn't do that setup.  Hmm.
< jtate> I had to change it to smtpd_sasl_local_domain = <this space intentionaly left blank>
< jtate> The RH rpms were exiting with signal 11.
< jeremyp> Doh.
< jtate> Filed a bug.  I don't know if had I fixed the local_domain thing if it would have worked.
< jtate> I'm not running postfix chroot, but at least it's authenticating properly.
< jtower> it seems that a chroot setup with smtp auth and ldap would complicate things significantly
< jtower> so which RPMs did you end up using?
< jeremyp> I'm fairly sure we're running that setup on TriLUG, but I'd have to check with Tanner.  Of course this is RHL 7.3, maybe if/when we switch to 9 we'll have the same problems :/
< jtate> Here's where I got the postfix RPMS: http://tis.foobar.fi/software/?postfix
< jtate> Yeah, I didn't have that problem on 7.3 with sasl 1.5 or whatever, it's the new sasl2 stuff that causes the problem.
< jeremyp> So, what do you people want to know about DNS?
< jeremyp> You install bind and it automatically becomes a caching nameserver, right?  wrong?
< jtower> wrong
< RedWolfe> so, this is the followup for networking services (3/2)
< jeremyp> (ISTR there used to be a special caching-nameserver package, but that's gone, right?)
< RedWolfe> no, caching-nameserver is still there
< jeremyp> Doh, I read a web page to the contrary.  Hmm.
< RedWolfe> le me check quick
< jtower> all it is three files in /var/named
< jeremyp> yes, it is still there.
< jeremyp> okay
< jtower> [jason@bigtoe sienatech]$ rpm -ql caching-nameserver
< jtower> /etc/named.conf
< jtower> /usr/share/doc/caching-nameserver-7.2
< jtower> /usr/share/doc/caching-nameserver-7.2/Copyright
< jtower> /var/named/localhost.zone
< jtower> /var/named/named.ca
< jtower> /var/named/named.local
< jtower> ok, six files
< jeremyp> five files and one directory :)
< jtower> a directory is still a file :P
< jeremyp> okay, okay
< jeremyp> So, is all you have to do is turn it on?  chkconfig bind on; service bind start ?
< jtower> that's it
< jtower> <indian accent> it is, how you say, piece of pastry?
< jeremyp> hmm, maybe it's named, not bind
< jtower> and allow 53:udp packets in your firewall
< jeremyp> don't you need tcp also?  I thought bind did a failover to TCP if the response was above a certain size?
< jtower> i thought tcp was only used for zone transfers and the like
< jtower> but jeremyp may be correct
< jeremyp> TCP is definitely used for full zone transfers, but I thought ccw said it was used for certain types of regular query responses too
< jeremyp> ccw?
< Tribot> hmmm... ccw is Chris Woodbury
< jeremyp> not you, Tribot
< Tribot> Get used to it, biz-natch.
< jtower> cybertooth said he was the DNS wiz too
< jtower> wherefore art thou cybertooth?
< jtower> my kingdom for a cybertooth
* ccw was out moving a car. sorry...
< jeremyp> Other bind related trivia:  there's a NPTL/kernel related bug in the original RHL 9 that causes named not to restart on SMP systems.  Upgrade to the kernel errata to fix this
< jtower> is it an update to the kernel or the named package?
< jtate> kernel.
< jtower> oh, the kernel.  never mind
< jeremyp> I thought they said it was a kernel update
< ccw> TCP is used for zone transfers and query answer greater than (approx) 512 bytes I believe...
< jeremyp> jtower: oh, and i just confirmed, the RPM package is "bind" yet the service / rc scripts call it "named"
< jeremyp> (since named is just one part of the bind suite of tools
< jtower> i think it's been that way for a while
< jtower> kinda like apache and httpd
< jeremyp> Right, though in 9 it's all httpd
< jtate> I am not sure that I like that move.
< jeremyp> So, what else do you do with bind?  Being a secondary for someone should be and easy thing, right?
< jeremyp> s/and/an
< jtate> Taking credit away from the apache guys.
* jtower likes apache better, rolls off the tongue better than H-T-T-P-D
< jtate> I also don't like the way they handle the conf.d directory.
* jtate digresses
< ccw> BIND - Berkeley Internet Name Domain (server)
< jeremyp> s/Domain/Daemon ?  maybe?
-!- elfick [~elfick@moya.trilug.org] has joined #trilug-rhce
< jeremyp> no, you're right, sorry
< ccw> maybe... I could cheat and look in the BOG. (BOG - BIND Operations Guide)
< RedWolfe> maybe, i've seen ity both ways, but the document says Daemon
< scottl> what are examples of bind configuration directives, not supported by redhat-config-bind that should be kept in /etc/named.custom ?
< jeremyp> so can someone answer?  what's the quick way to become a "slave" zone
< jtate> Here's how to make your kickstart files available through DHCP: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-9-Manual/custom-guide/s1-kickstart2-putkickstarthere.html
< jeremyp> (besides running redhat-config-bind of course)
< cybertooth> For a caching name server ala local you also need to edit /etc/resolv.conf and add yourself as the primary name server
< jtower> ok, OT question:  is it dee-mon or day-mon?
< jeremyp> cybertooth: right, good point
< cybertooth> To become a secondary is POC
< jeremyp> sorry for yelling
< jtate> jtower: daymon
< RedWolfe> personal preference, most BSDers will say dae-mon
< cybertooth> Add a section in ur /etc/named.conf file indicating that this is a slave zone and then point it to the master
< cybertooth> The exact syntax is in the man pages
< jeremyp> you have to know the IP address of the master, right?
< cybertooth> That's best.
< cybertooth> But really not necessary
< ccw> BTW, its Domain in the  BOG ...
< cybertooth> Since you are running a secondary you will query your own zone's (using the old transfer) for info - if you cannot access the primary
< cybertooth> Plus if you can't access the primary then all you *have* is your own cached zone files for the Domain.
< jeremyp> okay.
< jtate> which man page is that syntax documented in?
< jtate> I looked at named.conf
< cybertooth> You can also setup Bind 9.x to refuse zone transfer info from various hosts or only allow it from various hosts.
< jeremyp> in what cases would you get zone transfer info from someplace other than the listed master?
< cybertooth> No the master can refuse to transfer with you.
< ccw> You have to have permissions to do a zone transer to become a slave...this is often forbidden.  They gotta allow it...
< jeremyp> Ah, okay.
< cybertooth> It also will only do so many transfers per minute (this was a denial of service problem awhile back)
< ccw> Never transfer a zone from a "secondary"; that causes authority loops and TTL problems ...
-!- pihlopase [~pihlopase@rdu26-245-048.nc.rr.com] has joined #trilug-rhce
< jeremyp> So, I checked /etc/named.conf on moya. I don't see any place where it lists what secondaries can do zone transfers.
< jtate> Free DNS hosting (for the first 5 domains) http://www.zoneedit.com/
< jeremyp> But yet the secondaries seem to work.
< jeremyp> jtate: we'd also be happy to be a secondary (and run backup MX) at trilug, as a member service
< cybertooth> By default Red Hat allows all secondaries.
< jtate> I don't care that much.
< jeremyp> At least I *think* Tanner said he'd be happy to do that.  Maybe I'd better check with him on that. :)
< jeremyp> cybertooth: ah, okay
< jtate> I've never had problems with them.
< jtate> Even has full dyn DNS support.
< ccw> Yes, they work BUT if you look at the TTLs in the cache they can be shortened and, again, this can cause bogus authority info...
< cybertooth> Here is an example of a secondary setup: http://www.freebsddiary.org/secondary.php
< cybertooth> OT: the borg sure started out wimpy.
< jtate> Hey.  No fair.  I've got it tivod.
< jeremyp> Cool, I just setup my workstation as a secondary for trilug.org. :)
* ccw can hear it going to the VCR in the living room. BORG have lots of bass...
< jtate> pihlopase: we meet here every other week, then in Raleigh on the off weeks.  See http://www.trilug.org/~lisa for the syllabus and what we've covered so far.
< pihlopase> jtate: thank you
< jtate> I know you talked about getting a certification earlier today.
< pihlopase> yeah, I was looking at the Red Hat site and pricing the classes. Something that definately interests me
< jtower> i wonder if we could get redhat to give triluggers a price break on the rhce test
< jeremyp> HA!
< cybertooth> pihlopase: I think if you read the RH9 manuals and stick with this group then the RHCE will be a cake walk.
< pihlopase> wow, I appreciate all the help!
* jtate notes that he needs to read the RH 9 manuals
* jtate likes talking in the third person
< jeremyp> So, what are some gotchas about running your own domain?
< jeremyp> Make sure you have reverse DNS working properly?  *grin*
< jeremyp> I've never been in a situation where the ISP actually delegated reverse DNS correctly.  Always had to call them up to get stuff changed.
< pihlopase> Well, it's cool if I just listen. I'm studying for my German final, but I am logging all this
< ccw> keeping the root domain servers up-to-date... lots of folks don't let them know when the change "secondaries" but the root still is causing queries to go to old servers...
< ccw> s/the change/they change/
< jeremyp> So, how do you make sure the roots are up to date?  Make sure you have proper NS records in your zone, and increment the serial properly?
< jeremyp> The "real" secondaries are determined by the NS records, right?
< ccw> most folks don't do the RP records and/or keep them up-to-date...
< jeremyp> RP ?
* jtate scratches his head at "RP"
< cybertooth> If you restart your Named server once a week then it will go out and re-find all the root servers.
< ccw> as for root servers...you gotta let 'em know via forms (or whatever) that you've made the change...easy to do, actually.
< cybertooth> That is really NBD, I ran some servers for years without a restart.
< jeremyp> ccw: oh, right, editing the nameserver records in your domain registration, duh
< jeremyp> It seems that "RP" stands for responsible person, but I'm not sure how or why that's used.  Can you explain ccw?
< ccw> CT: not necessary.  The Root zone info TTLs while large... are small enough to cause automatic updates...
< cybertooth> The main reason behind your *own* DNS servers is to distribute your own IP info and Name info.  you keep that stuff up to date!
< ccw> and all you need is one...
< jeremyp> Ah, wait, here's a definition.  Responsible Person. Informational, not functional. Used to indicate the person responsible for the domain.
< cybertooth> I generally like to keep my external DNS separate from my internal DNS.  They have separate functions
< jeremyp> How does that differ from the typical "hostmaster" email that you put in the top of the zone file?
< cybertooth> The external is to tell the rest of the world about your domain.
< jeremyp> cybertooth: do you use the "view" thingy in BIND 9 for that?
< cybertooth> The internal is to help you access the world.
< RedWolfe> yes, it was nice when BIND got multiple horizon capability
< ccw> RP Resource Records - AKA RP RR - RP  "your name here"  address_of_contact_txt_rr.yourdomainhere
< ccw> Its REALLY nice if they're up-to-date and CORRECT...
* jeremyp notes something from the RHL 9 Customization guide chapter on BIND: "Warning: If you use the Bind Configuration Tool, do not manually edit any BIND configuration files as all changes will be overwritten the next time you use the Bind Configuration Tool."
< jeremyp> So it's like Apache in that respect.
< jeremyp> And not like the redhat-config-nfs which seemed to work fine even if you edited the local files.
* cybertooth hates that!
< cybertooth> Another key use of DNS is the proper setup and maintenance of MTA records (mail)
< cybertooth> sorry should have said MX records.
< cybertooth> example DNS entry for mail servers for a machine:
< cybertooth> guber   IN   A
< ccw> to see examples of RP, do: dig @edison.bpstudios.com bpstudios.com rp in  ... dig @edison.bpstudios.com drewr.bpstudios.com txt in
< cybertooth>             IN   MX    10 mail.mydomain.com
< cybertooth>            IN     MX      100 secondarymail.mydomain.com
< jeremyp> ccw: cool.  For the second query, I just got the SOA record back.  It didn't respond with any TXT records.  Is that expected?  What is a TXT record used for ?
< ccw> BTW, lower number is higher priority in MX.  zero is allowed...
< cybertooth> Heck you can even have negative numbers now.
< jeremyp> I've seen people who always put the primary MX as "1" -- doesn't strike me as a good idea -- what if you needed to temporarily change the MX record?
< cybertooth> TXT is for comments
< jeremyp> cybertooth: oh, cool.  that answers that question :)
< ccw> also, don't make secondaries in decending order, i.e. MX 10 sec1...  MX 20 sec2... MX 30 sec3... make them all MX 10 sec[123]...
< cybertooth> The named.conf file is "hostile" to comments and the TXT is a good way to add them
< jeremyp> so, TXT would be comments that transfer around with the zone, whereas semicolons are comments that get parsed out right away ?
-!- gmontagrh9deskto [~gmontag@cpe-024-211-148-035.nc.rr.com] has joined #trilug-rhce
< jeremyp> gmontagrh9deskto: that's quite the mouthful :)
< cybertooth> If one of more mail servers have the same weighting (starting number) then by default DNS presents them in round-robin format
< ccw> otherwise they start passing them between each other (to the highest prio secondary they can reach) instead of straight to the primary...
< gmontagrh9deskto> sorry just got rh9 working
* jtate is stumped by the dig command line ccw posted
< jeremyp> cybertooth: re: named.conf being hostile to comments, wouldn't a TXT record be for a zone file?  Not for named.conf ?
< jeremyp> jtate: I think it was two separate commands
< cybertooth> jeremyp: yes sorry.
< jtate> I don't see a RP though.
< jeremyp> cybertooth: it looks like # is used for commend in /etc/named.conf, and ; for comments in the zone files
< jtate> jeremyp: what's the tripaste link again?
< ccw> jtate: dig is one of the BIND suite of tools...
< jeremyp> jtate: when I did "dig @edison.bpstudios.com bpstudios.com rp in" I got back this:
< jeremyp> bpstudios.com.          86400   IN      RP      drewr.bpstudios.com. drewr.bpstudios.com.
< cybertooth> DONT use ";" in a zone file
< jtate> I get:
< jtate> ; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> @edison.bpstudios.com bpstudios.com rp in
< jtate> ;; global options:  printcmd
< jtate> ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
< jeremyp> Are you allowing 53/udp and 53/tcp in to that box?
< jtate> Probably not.
< jeremyp> Try just "dig" by itself -- it should list the root nameservers, I think.
< ccw> in RP / SOA mailaddress are all in dot notation...the first field is an e-mail address. drewr@bpstudios.com
< cybertooth> Yep.  "can you dig it"
< jeremyp> cybertooth: what do you mean "DONT use ";" in a zone file" ????  it's the comment character !
< jeremyp> ccw: so if your address was jeremy.portzer@example.com, you'd be screwed?  It would be interpreted as jeremy@portzer.example.com ?
< ccw> the second field is (supposed to be) a TXT RR.  
< jtate> I've got a silly little cable router, so it's probably being blocked there.
< jeremyp> Works fine for me behind my linksys router, odd.
< jeremyp> cybertooth: both of the zone files I have access to are full of ';' for comments and they work fine.  Plus it appears the default localhost.zone file that comes with RHL 9 uses it for a comment.
< ccw> Actually, while technically the at (@) symbol isn't "officially" supposed to be use there, most people do.  So, you just put it in there the way you want it...it's transfer as binary data...
< jeremyp> Hmm.
< jtate> Mine is a nearly three year old DLink.
< cybertooth> jeremyp: Okay, must have a brain fart on the ";"
* ccw shrugs. Also, you weren't supposed to have a numberic at the front of a domain name. It's arbitrary and 3Com sued...
< ccw> so, sue me if I use an "@" instead of a "."... :)
< jeremyp> ccw: I was wondering about that.  I thought that domains weren't supposed to start with a number, but then I saw folks like "1000plus.com" :)
* ccw notes that we live in a somewhat litigious society...
< ccw> having no numberics at the beginning was arbitary  ... and courts don't like "arbitrary"...
< ccw> now, what were we talking about ... :)
< jeremyp> But it seems like a longstanding practice to not have numerals at the beginning of identifiers.  I guess it dates to C variable-naming rules?
< cybertooth> rndc
< ccw> the fact that it makes parsing easier and is a sensible thing to do doesn't make it legal...
* ccw is waiting for toys-r-us to sue over the character set...
< jeremyp> heh, the fact that there's no backwards-r on the keyboard? :)
* ccw grings
< ccw> s/grings/grins/
* ccw looks at his spasmodic fingers...
< jeremyp> Okay, any other DNS/BIND questions comments?
< jeremyp> jimstigator?  gmontag?  Nat_RH?  scottl? elfick?
< jeremyp> Tribot?
< Tribot> yes, jeremyp?
< cybertooth> remote control of dns
< cybertooth> rndc lets you control a dns service on a remote server
< RedWolfe> tribot: excuse
< Tribot> RedWolfe: evil hackers from Serbia.
< cybertooth> rndc -s moya.trilug.org status
< ccw> I suggest that folks read the Nutshell guide on DNS.  THey do everything right except the way they handle localhost...
< cybertooth> would query the bind daemon on moya.trilug.org for its status.
< cybertooth> Note: the query must be supported so you *have* to setup the rndc.conf file in /etc
< jtower> are any of the config files significantly different between bind 8 and 9?
< jeremyp> Cool, I see the section in the Customization Guide for RHL 9 has some good information about setting up security restrictions for rndc
< cybertooth> bind 9 is a total re-write from the ground up.
< cybertooth> there are significant differences - mainly in that bind 9 has not caught up to bind 8 in the "swiss knife department"
< jeremyp> There was one point when the config files changed *drastically*.   Can't recally what version that was.
< jeremyp> recall
< jtower> let me rephrase: do the zone files need to written differently for 8 vs 9?
< ccw> jump from version 4 to version 8
< jeremyp> ccw: ah, that's right.  Whatever happened to 5, 6, and 7 anyway?
< RedWolfe> jtower, not afaik
< ccw> well, version 4 was actually 4,5,6, and 7 but where never renumbered with major revision changes...
< ccw> Paul V. decided to do the jump after some reflection ...
< jeremyp> It's not like the Netscape jump from 4.x to 6, where they had to "compete" with IE versioning :)
* ccw roles his eyes. "yeah, that HAD to be marketing..."
< cybertooth> Did you guys already cover arpa?
< cybertooth> reverse dns
< jeremyp> Not exactly.  I'm pretty familiar with it, so I didn't ask anything.  
< jeremyp> We seem to have a dearth of questions from the peanut gallery.
< cybertooth> It is really simple and if you use the "tool" that will setup reverse dns for you automagically.
< ccw> ARPA zone (RIP) is now the zone used for reverse domain mapping.  (and, no, we didn't)
< jeremyp> Personally, I throw peanuts constantly :)
< jtate> peanut_gallery?
< jtate> Who is peanut_gallery
< jtower> i'm actually quite interested in DNS but i need to set up a "real" box and make a few mistakes before i start asking questions
* cybertooth is really Buffalo Bob.
< jeremyp> jtate: do you have reverse DNS delegated from celito?  Or do you just call them up to update it?
* ccw doesn't think CT is old enough (or dead enough) to be Buffalo Bob...
* RedWolfe is Clarabel
* cybertooth senses a lesbian moment about to occur on West Wing
< ccw> s/is/isn't/
< jtate> All I know is that most ISP's don't give you control over arpa.
< jtate> Inflow's management interface lets you play with it though.
< jeremyp> There is a complex way to delegate reverse DNS for things less than class C's.  DNS doesnt' really support CIDR style subnetting because of the way it works (pseduo arpa top-level stuff)
< jtate> flowview.
< RedWolfe> ITYM in-addr.arpa
< jtate> jeremyp: celito?  What's that?
* ccw RW was still in diapers when clarabell was doing his tthing...actually he KNOWS it!
< jeremyp> jtate: sorry, meant to tab-complete to jtower.  too many jt's :)
< jtate> and isn't it cerient?
< ccw> correction, not the WHOLE time, just part of it...
< jtower> you can't do it directly, they will do it for you though
< jeremyp> Celiot is a local ISP that provides discounted DSL lines for TriLUG members
< jeremyp> s/Celiot/Celito
< jtate> Ahh.
< jtate> Can they do the same for cable?
< jtower> jtate: i (and therefore cerient) get my service from celito
< jeremyp> No, Bellsouth customers only
< jtate> Ahh, well, screw me in Durham.
< jtate> It's all becoming quite clear now.
< jeremyp> jtate: hmm, I don't think our login to Flowview has access to reverse DNS, though maybe I didn't check it fully.
< cybertooth> jtate: you can always get speakeasy.net or twtelecom
< ccw> as for mapping DSL hosts to DNS, use Dynamic DNS providers such as HOMEIP.NET ... easy to do... look at wolves.homeip.net
< jtate> It's new.
< jeremyp> Or Britsys
< jtate> Britsys does cable now?  That's cool.
< jeremyp> No, DSL.  Sorry.
< jtate> It's in the DNS management page, click update, then choose arpa.whatever from the list.
* jtate has no home phone
< jeremyp> I think the only cable reseller that isn't part of AOL-TW is Earthlink.
< jtate> They're also aol though.
< jeremyp> jtate: well surely you have the line coming into your house/apt.  That's all that matters.  
< jtate> They won't sell DSL without an active phone number.
< jeremyp> No, Earthlink is not part of AOL-TW.  They have a deal with Time Warner Cable to provide high-speed Internet, yes, but they are a separate company
< jtate> I thought earthlink/mindspring were bought up a few years ago.
< jtower> jeremyp: you gotta have a local phone number most of the time
< jeremyp> Hmm, I didn't realize that (that you had to have POTS service also)
< jtate> I like filling out 000-000-0000 on all the web forms.
< jeremyp> ccw: 404 Not Found on http://wolves.homeip.net/~sfw/
< jeremyp> jtate: heh.  I usually put 919-555-1212
< jtower> i think it's more of a billing thing than a technical issue
< jtate> Whatever.  I'm fairly satisfied with RR so far.
< jtate> jeremyp: try without the ~sfw
< ccw> Yeah, Sue doesn't have a public_html directory ...
< jtower> i've never seen DSL not "bound" to a phone number
* jtate looks at the date and the time and realises that it's his six month aniversary, looks around and notices that his wife's wearing something slinky.
< jtate> Gotta go.
-!- jtate [~jtate@rdu74-181-041.nc.rr.com] has quit []
< RedWolfe> sfw is on the main page, but hasn't bothered to set up her own pages
-!- scottl [~scottl@user-0c8hpp4.cable.mindspring.com] has left #trilug-rhce []
< RedWolfe> Celito.com has a bronken link on its application forms
* cybertooth is popping off if no other business.
* RedWolfe has questions about PAM, but will study the manuals
< gmontag> how do you exit irssi
< elfick> you don't... its like the matrix
< jtower> note to everyone: jeremyp's PC totally died, he apologizes for the lack of communication
< elfick> follow the white rabbit
< RedWolfe> through the looking glass!
< gmontag> "/quit"
-!- cybertooth [~cybertoot@rdu163-124-248.nc.rr.com] has left #trilug-rhce ["Client Exiting"]
* ccw waves and says, "Goodnight!" to all
-!- ccw [~ccw@durham-ar1-4-64-250-023.durham.dsl-verizon.net] has quit ["Client Exiting"]
--- Log closed Wed May 07 22:02:34 2003

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