--- Log opened Wed Jul 09 18:42:36 2003
-!- sweeper [~mbroome@moya.trilug.org] has joined #trilug-rhce
-!- Topic for #trilug-rhce: Next meeting: IPtables, troubleshooting and the Rescue Environment, Wed 2 Jul 2003, 8:00 PM EDT - First Flight Venture Center
-!- Topic set by jtate [] [Wed Jul 2 15:54:02 2003]
[Users #trilug-rhce]
[@ChanServ] [ jeremyp] [ sweeper] [ Tribot] [ tripaste]
-!- Irssi: #trilug-rhce: Total of 5 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 4 normal]
-!- Channel #trilug-rhce created Sun Apr 6 17:01:25 2003
-!- Irssi: Join to #trilug-rhce was synced in 1 secs
< jeremyp> Good evening Mike.
< jeremyp> Have you been following all the GPG stuff we've been discussing recently?  Want to add your key to http://www.biglumber.com?  :-)
-!- Nat_RH [~Nat@rdu74-184-217.nc.rr.com] has joined #trilug-rhce
-!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: tripaste
-!- SinnerP [~sinner@ip68-101-8-79.nc.hr.cox.net] has joined #trilug-rhce
-!- Netsplit over, joins: tripaste
< SinnerP> good night y'all
< SinnerP> there's a storm around here, in case I disapear
-!- lockd [~scott@user-0c8hpp4.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #trilug-rhce
-!- jtate [~jtate@rdu74-181-041.nc.rr.com] has joined #trilug-rhce
< SinnerP> howdy
< jtate> Hello everyone
< lockd> small turn out this evening huh?
< SinnerP> hi there
< SinnerP> I'm about to get disconnected by a storm
< SinnerP> ...probably
< jeremyp> Good evening.
< SinnerP> good evening jeremyp
< lockd> Notes from the last meeting haven't been posted yet have they?
< jtate> There was the firewall script that jtower posted
-!- gmontag [~Eclectic@cpe-024-211-155-213.nc.rr.com] has joined #trilug-rhce
< lockd> k. I just wanted to see if there was anything else.
< jeremyp> sweeper: are you here?  Did you see my earlier message?
< jeremyp> The notes from the last meeting was the firewall script.
< jeremyp> lockd: did you see the message on TriLUG about GnuPG and www.biglumber.com ?  Interested in uploading your key?
< jtate> 10.x or 192.168.x for intranets?
-!- jtower [~jason@moya.trilug.org] has joined #trilug-rhce
< jeremyp> or 172.16.x.x through 172.31.x.x
< jtate> 10.x is much shorter to type
< lockd> jeremy, it's Scott. Yes I saw the gpg posting, and just haven't gotten around to putting my key up yet.
< jeremyp> Yes, I know who you are :-)  I knew that you had a GPG key, since we had exchanged stuff earlier
< jtate> Why would one open up a DHCP server on a port connected to the interenet?
< jeremyp> If you've got so many IP addresses you just don't know what to do with them?
< jeremyp> Not that a port 'conected to the Internet' would ever do much, though, since DCHP doesn't go across subnets
< jtate> Hmm.  I'm just going through the morizot.net script, and it has an option for that.
< jeremyp> though it would be interesting maybe on a Cable modem network or something... wonder if you could give out fake IPs for your neighbors ?
< jtate> What does "mangle the packet TTL" mean?
< jeremyp> well, I guess you could change the TTL to make it look like it didn't go through a firewall or something?  (Since usually it's decremented by 1 )?  I dunno.
< jtower> jtate:  something to do with "fooling" your ISP so they can'
< jtower> t tell you're running a nat gateway
< jeremyp> yeah because normally they could tell since there would be two decreases in the TTL from your computer to the ISP router ?
< jeremyp> (if you had a NAT gateway in between)
< jtower> something like that.  i read over it a while back, didn't seem important enough to mess with, that's all i remember
< jtate> Ahh.
< jeremyp> I haven't heard of any ISPs today giving a crap about people running NAT gateways
< jeremyp> so it's probably a non-issue
< jtower> exactly
< SinnerP> jeremyp: specialy after all those Linksys firewalls/routers use NAT
< gmontag> cable guy was just at my house and recommended firewalls
< jtate> Time to switch over from ipchains to iptables.
< SinnerP> jtate: ¿why? Debian stable is sihpping 2.4 now?
< jeremyp> cool, one of those upside-down question mark thingies ;-)
< jtate> I upgraded this box from 7.3 to 9.
< SinnerP> I have many of those: Ç · ªº
< jeremyp> So, jtate and I are thinking of signing up for the RHCE at the end of August
< jeremyp> it's offered  22-AUG-03 in Raleigh
< jeremyp> SinnerP, lockd : y'all weren't at the last meeting; you interested in joining us for the 22-August test ?
< jeremyp> Nat_RH: how about you?
< jeremyp> gmontag: don't think I got a chance to talk to you about it either at the last meeting, sorry... you interested ?
* Nat_RH isn't smart enough yet
< SinnerP> jeremyp: sure I'm interested
< gmontag> I do not think I am proficient enough yet
< SinnerP> jeremyp: I'd like to do it, before I get too busy
< jeremyp> I need to talk to RedWolfe (Greg Woodbury) as he said he had already signed up for the July date, as we had previously suggested that date.
< SinnerP> I cannot do the 30th, as F.C. Barcelona comes to the US to play a match :)
< lockd> I'm interested, it's a matter of cash flow. can I call the testing center and see how fast that date is filling up?
< lockd> Sinner, is it barcelona that paid out that chunk of cash for Beckham ?
< jeremyp> lockd: you can use a credit card :)
< SinnerP> lockd: Marid was the one who paid an insane amount of cash for someone that has wierd hairdoes
< lockd> Then an August date works for me.
< SinnerP> I mean, Madrid
< jeremyp> Okay, well I'm going ahead and reserving August 22 then.
< jeremyp> It's a Friday.
< jtate> jeremyp: I don't think August is going to be a go for me.
< jtate> We'll have to pay Nichol's tuition that month.
< jtate> It's looking like september for me.
< Tribot> Bah.
< jtate> Thanks Tribot!
< jeremyp> jtate:  :(
< jeremyp> Also, I'm going to ask Kevin Sonney about a discount.  He said if there are several of us going at once he might be able to swing something.
< jeremyp> But it won't be a huge discount, 5-10% only
< SinnerP> jeremyp: anything helps
-!- gmontag [~Eclectic@cpe-024-211-155-213.nc.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
< jeremyp> So, anything else to cover tonight?
< SinnerP> mmm
< jeremyp> Troubleshooting tips ?
< jeremyp> rpm -Va ?  ;-)
< SinnerP> did anyone cared to take a view of the LDAP tools that I posted to the list? any comments about that?
< lockd> sorry, nope.
< SinnerP> mmm
< jtate> I haven't had time to.
< SinnerP> I like to enter into singleuser mode, check the logs, and really read through all the logs
< jtate> jeremyp: What did you find out from achemist about the resources available in the exam itself?
-!- gmontag [~Eclectic@cpe-024-211-155-213.nc.rr.com] has joined #trilug-rhce
< jeremyp> jtate: he was kinda mum about it
< jeremyp> The documentation CD was available via NFS at the RHCT
< jtate> Yeah, I didn't know if you worked any more information out of him after we left.
< jtate> Hmm.  What all is on the Doc CD?
< jeremyp> I think he wasn't sure what he could and couldn't say.
< jeremyp> But remember the RHCT was a lab exam only.
< jeremyp> I'm sure the documentation CD won't be avialable for the multiple choice question parts of the RHCE
-!- porthos [~rvestal@moya.trilug.org] has joined #trilug-rhce
< jeremyp> evening porthos
< jtate> I think that's ok.
< SinnerP> jeremyp: the DOC cd... is it available af ftp.redhat ?
< SinnerP> hi porthos
< porthos> hey
< Tribot> niihau, porthos
< porthos> SinnerP: yep. that's where i got mine
< SinnerP> kwel
< jeremyp> Yes, the documentation cd is available on the full Red Hat Linux mirrors
< jtate> ftp://mirror.dulug.duke.edu/ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/9/en/iso/doc/
< jeremyp> it's basically all those customization guides and installation guides and so forth that we've been looking at
< jeremyp> it used to be the ISO was small enough to fit on a mini-CD, I think that's still true
< SinnerP> now there are *3* isos
< jtate> SinnerP: Only one of those is for the US.
< porthos> actually, there are 8 (i'm holding them in my hand now
< porthos> must have missed the question
< jtate> 8 isos for Documentation?
< porthos> 8 isos total
< porthos> i have 1 for docs
< jtate> Right.  Three RPM, 2 Src, 1 Doc, and what are the other two?
< porthos> 1 rescue
< jtate> But the first install will do that.
< porthos> crap. guess i should have labeled them. (cd-rw)
< SinnerP> jtate: Doh!
< porthos> jtate: yup. but the last is "designed" to be a rescue CD. basically it's the first CD without the install stuff
* porthos looking at them now
< porthos> ahhh...3 install, 3 source, 1 doc, 1 rescue = 8 iso
< jtate> Might this be a problem: [root@www init.d]# rpm -q balsa
< jtate> balsa-1.2.4-7.7.3
< jtate> balsa-2.0.6-1
< jtate> balsa-2.0.6-2
< jtate> ?
< porthos> ?>
< Tribot> Bah.
< porthos> ?
< jeremyp> Yep, Bah. is right. ;-)
< jtate> /usr/bin/scrollkeeper-update: relocation error: /usr/lib/libxslt.so.1: undefined symbol: xmlXPathOrderDocElems
< jtate> error: %post(balsa-2.0.6-2) scriptlet failed, exit status 127
< jeremyp> that's odd
< jeremyp> what is balsa for?
< porthos> email client
< jeremyp> maybe you could remove them all and then install the correct one?
< jtate> I've got other problems.
-!- cybertooth [~cybertoot@rdu57-31-133.nc.rr.com] has joined #trilug-rhce
< cybertooth> Hola.
< porthos> hey jon
< jeremyp> Good evening cyber man.
< cybertooth> Did I miss a good one?
< jeremyp> Not really.
< jtate> Pretty unlively.
< SinnerP> hola cybertooth
< cybertooth> hola josep
< jeremyp> cybertooth: I asked you about taking the RHCE at the end of August, right?
< cybertooth> any acts of shining brillence that I need to lookup?
< jeremyp> No, maybe I didn't, you weren't at the meeting last Wed.
< cybertooth> I thought it was the end of July
< jeremyp> I've signed up for August 22
< porthos> we were just discussing the advantages of rpm vs. building from scratch <wink!>
< jeremyp> Well, there were many more people who said August would be better.
< cybertooth> That is just procrastinating
< cybertooth> August won't be any better for them - its just further off.
< cybertooth> But if it's August then its August
< cybertooth> Should we try for a group discount
< jeremyp> I agree a bit with the procrastinating question, but since I got *no* takers for July, and several interested in August, I went for August.
< cybertooth> Isn't the test given by third parities now... I think they should be able to wheel a little.
< Tribot> Bah.
< cybertooth> humbug?
< jeremyp> No, the RHCE is still not given by third parties.  Some of the training courses are, but not the exam itself.
< SinnerP> still ?
< jtate> If we get a discount, I may still be able to do August.  I just have to save my pennies.
< jeremyp> But I have signed up for August.  I gave my credit card number and everything. :)
< cybertooth> Hmmm, from what I've heard, RH doesn't seem to want to deal on this point.
< jeremyp> alchemist needs to know exact numbers
< jeremyp> he said maybe 5-10 %
< jtate> That's 37-75 bucks
< cybertooth> How much is it? I've got a nice fat check comming tomorrow
< jeremyp> $749 is list.
< cybertooth> That's what I thought.
< cybertooth> August, huh?  I'll be in the middle of setting up a Telecom corp.
< jeremyp> out of town?
< jeremyp> Friday, August 22.
< cybertooth> No. in the triangle.
< jeremyp> You can take that day off then. :)
< cybertooth> My Unemployment stops in August too.
< jeremyp> That's another issue.
< jeremyp> :/
< jtate> Remember that it's a deduction!
< cybertooth> Yeah, the Unemployment check has made doing consulting *very* lucrative.
< jtate> cybertooth: Having been in the job market for a while, I've noticed that hotjobs has a very large listing of available consulting positions
< cybertooth> I'm slammed right now - actually.
< cybertooth> The beauty is that my jobs all pay off on the same week, so that I dont get Unemployment that week, but I do the rest of the month.
< cybertooth> It's a whacked system.
< jeremyp> Hey, might as well take advantage of it while you have the opportunity.
< jeremyp> Since you're paying for it the rest of the time [indirectly]
< cybertooth> Yep. I would rather be working though full time.  Still, it's all good!
< jeremyp> Well, anyway, I signed up for Friday, August 22.
< jtate> cybertooth: I'd almost rather be consulting.  I get bored easily working on one project for too long.
< jeremyp> If you're in, please reply on the list.
< jeremyp> And I'll approach alchemist about a discount if we get four or more people
< cybertooth> I'll talk it over with my S.O. - we'll probably do it.
< cybertooth> I was going to do it at the end of this month.
< cybertooth> Oh, well. BZ anyone?
< jeremyp> sorry, didn't mean to mess up your schedule, but everyone else said they couldn't do July for one reason or another
< SinnerP> I'll be busy last week of July: soccer Barcelona vs Milan @ Wash. D.C.
< cybertooth> Take care - Jon signing out.
-!- cybertooth [~cybertoot@rdu57-31-133.nc.rr.com] has quit ["Client Exiting"]
-!- porthos is now known as porthos_away
-!- lockd [~scott@user-0c8hpp4.cable.mindspring.com] has left #trilug-rhce []
< SinnerP> see y'all later
-!- SinnerP [~sinner@ip68-101-8-79.nc.hr.cox.net] has left #trilug-rhce ["Colors del client"]
-!- jtate [~jtate@rdu74-181-041.nc.rr.com] has left #trilug-rhce ["gone"]
--- Log closed Wed Jul 09 22:28:20 2003

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