Topic: Holiday Demo & Social Party Presenter: You! When: Thursday, December 12, 7pm Where: SplatSpace, 331 W. Main St., Durham, NC Map: RSVP: Signup Form

You are invited to the Triangle Linux Users Group's annual Holiday Demo Party ! Come and socialize with other like minded Free and Open Source enthusiasts from all over the Raleigh Durham Chapel Hill area. We plan to do catering again like last year.

Please RSVP using the above form. This will enable us to budget food and space.

Demos Share your passion by bringing a project or product to show off. As we get more demos we'll try to keep the list up to date!

New Search for MediaWiki Nik Everett Day job is writing a new search for Mediawiki which is pretty cool. Can show it off if anyone cares to see it.

The Privacy-Protecting Tails Linux Distro Sean Alexandre Come try out Tails, a live USB Linux distro aimed at preserving your privacy and anonymity.

LibreOffice Base Demo Jeremy Davis I have built a couple of LibreOffice Base databases I would like to share. One I use weekly to publish the Triangle Area Career Development Newsletter. The DB helps to manage and gather meeting info of our local groups and builds the newsletter formatted with HTML. I have built a nice task tracker to show off as well, which was developed over time at my work place in MS Access but then recreated with LibreOffice Base as a project to compare the two. I will demonstrate valuable timesaving features of the awesome LibreOffice Base program, which comes free with most Linux distros.

Amateur Radio in the Digital Age Kevin Otte Laptops showing software, brochures, interactive discussion, (if internet) remote controlled transceiver

Travis Continuous Integration Michael Hrivnak I will show how TravisCI integrates with GitHub projects

Making PCB's Pete Soper Designing and fabricating PCB's for your Open Hardware projects

Pi AC Remote Ted Pudlik A web app running on the Raspberry Pi that I use to control my living room air conditioner. Extension to multiple rooms is a work in progress!

SpamAway Matt Brown A concept (nothing written yet) for a new approach to fighting spam

RPi rover Nathan Yinger Simple rover with a camera, controlled and viewed by browser

Automated brewery Darren Boss Partially completed automated beer brewing rig. Vessel filling, valve, heat, cooling, pump control are all automated by open source hardware and software.

Nerf mod Cate and Allie Grey Allie will demo her latest nerf mod