[Dev] Re: [TriLUG] Server Check-Out / In-Use-Register software

David R. Matusiak dev@trilug.org
Sat, 24 May 2003 13:08:04 -0400

Oh-Oh RULES!!  and that is that!!

seriously, i have no idea what y'all are talking about, but i thought 
the topic was interesting, so i joined the dev list.  he he he.  i will 
go back to being quiet and sitting in the corner...

On Saturday, May 24, 2003, at 11:30  AM, Diana Duncan wrote:

> Oh, I so, so, so agree with you, Tanner.  One of the worst 
> applications of OO is using it as a "wrapper" around relational 
> database objects.  There is no better guarantee of poor performance 
> for your application.  And yet, I'm too often called in to "tune" the 
> database for these applications.  How?  Basically, the design removes 
> all the power of whatever database engine you are using, and reduces 
> the RDBMS to acting as a souped-up flat-file database.  Yuck.  The 
> only way to tune that is to throw hardware at it, and as 80% of tuning 
> is done via SQL, you've lost your most powerful tuning tool.
> When cooking in the kitchen, do you use just one knife for everything, 
> one pot and one burner on the stove?  Sure, you can cook like that, 
> but it's limiting.  OO evangelism makes for limited, blinder-wearing 
> software designers.
> Diana
> On Friday, May 23, 2003, at 23:55 US/Eastern, Tanner Lovelace wrote:
>> On Fri, 23 May 2003, bp wrote:
>>> What's C?  Just kidding.  I'm hoping to completely forget C as soon 
>>> as
>>> possible.  That way I can spend all my hours better understanding 
>>> Java
>>> just in time for the next great OO language to come out...
>> <flame retardent suit on>
>> Or, you could realize that OO isn't the end-all/be-all of programming
>> paradigms and switch to a multi-paradigm language (hmm... what could
>> that be..? Oh, right, C++. The most advanced language out there O:-)
>> :-)
>> </flame retardent suit on>
>> Seriously, though.  OO is very often not appropriate for things.
>> When it is, it works really well.  When it's not, it's like trying
>> to fit the square block through the round hole.  You shouldn't
>> think that one language will solve all your problems.  There are
>> times when Java is a good language and times when it is not.
>> Sometimes scripting languages like perl or python are the best.
>> C++ is useful a lot of time.  And, if you're writing low level
>> stuff like a kernel, C is most likely the appropriate language
>> (but not when you're writing widget sets, for crying out loud!).
>> If you're interested in discussing this more, btw, let's continue
>> this discussion on the Trilug development list instead of
>> starting yet another long, drawn out thread here on the main list.
>> (See the "CC:" field above.)
>> Cheers,
>> Tanner Lovelace