[Linux-ham] Opus over 9600 baud KISS TNC

Kevin Otte nivex at nivex.net
Wed Dec 31 12:14:06 EST 2014

It largely depends on what you want to do. Most of my experiments have 
centered around real time, point-to-multipoint comms similar to our 
analog voice systems. With VoIP systems you use UDP because the 
occasional dropped frame isn't going to go noticed. Once you add in the 
reliability/retransmission layer, you not only effectively half your 
available rate, but your end-to-end latency becomes wildly variable with 
network congestion. Not good for realtime.

If we ignore the need for realtime and just want to move the voice 
across a NET/ROM network, you are basically looking at a 
store-and-forward system. It would be akin to voicemail or Snapchat. 
Wouldn't be very useful for interactive, but for something like "Hey 
Bob, I'm running a little late. Go ahead and order my usual for lunch" 
it would be alright. Of course, at that point you're probably falling 
back to text anyway.

On 12/30/2014 02:45 PM, Tadd Torborg wrote:
> Kevin,
>    This sounds really hopeful.  Are you still working on the idea that
> latency is not permitted?  Or are you allowing latency?
>    I would really like to see this working across G8BPQ nodes.

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