Anyone Running Linux/Oracle?

James Brigman
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 03:55:07 -0500

Recently, a question was posed about running a Linux/SAMBA server as a
replacement for a Novell network. It generated a lively little discussion at
one point.

I have a follow-on question which I'd like to pose to the group. Is anyone
out there running a well-equipped PC, using Linux, as a production Oracle
database system?

I'd like to hear from anyone who has an actual, live Linux/Oracle server
running, and spare no details: I'd like to hear what CPU speed, how much
RAM, what size and type of hard drives, ethernet interfaces, etc. Are the
drives hot/warm/cold swap, what kind of case are you using and does it have
a redundant power supply?

For some time now, I've speculated about a fairly capable PC/Linux/Oracle
combination, using something like a 2Ghz(or more) Athlon, 1.5GB RAM (or
more), four or six 120GB ATA133 IDE drives, a SCSI DLT backup (or even an
offline image to another bank of drives) and a couple (or more) 100Mbps
ethernet interfaces. You could build such a beast in a tower case or maybe
even a well designed 4U rackmount server cabinet.

And for anyone who's risk-averse to building their own PC, Dell's shipping
beautiful server-quality Intel-based systems these days that look nice for
running Linux/Oracle.

So, the question is, anybody out there doing this? I'm wondering how well it
works, how much it costs, and how easy it is to administer.
