are there any docbook/xsl experts out there?

Joseph Mack
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 06:20:38 -0400

"Robert P. J. Day" wrote:
>   i've posted on a couple of lists, no response yet so i'll
> try here.

Hi Rob,

	I'm at about the same level as you it seems and help
out there is pretty thin. I'm happy to swap info if that's of
any use. I'm converting my HOWTO's for the linuxvirtualserver
project into xml.

	I converted one of my sgml HOWTOs with sx into something
that needed a lot of hand fixing before it was xml. It may have
been easier to start from scratch.

	I figured out how to do bold, footnotes and put pieces
of code with a grey background.

	I can't get the commands to put an images into the 
text to work and I haven't looked how to set the depth for 
numbering of sections - surely that can't be hard ;-\

Joseph Mack PhD, Senior Systems Engineer, Lockheed Martin
contractor to the National Environmental Supercomputer Center, ph# 919-541-0007, RTP, NC, USA