Oncall compensation questions

Jim Ray ncsa-discussion@ncsysadmin.org
Fri, 28 Jun 2002 17:55:33 -0400

I charge time and a half for after 5 mon-fri and double time for weekends
and holidays.  I haven't found anyone to pay it yet; however, that's what I

-----Original Message-----
From: Helen Harrison [mailto:Helen.Harrison@sas.com] 
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2002 4:15 PM
To: 'ncsa-discussion@ncsysadmin.org'
Subject: Oncall compensation questions

My company is researching industry practices for supplementary compensation
for oncall support. I am looking to hear from the folks on this list how
your employer handles this issue. If you wouldn't mind taking a couple of
minutes to answer the questions below I would greatly appreciate it.

thanks, Helen 

On-call is defined as a period of time, usually during non-standard times of
the employee's work day, where the employee is responsible for carrying a
phone or pager in order to learn of problems that he/she can resolve. That
resolution might come in the form of a simple follow-up phone-call, or
perhaps require extensive on-site visits and troubleshooting.

1. Do you have employees that are required to be on-call during certain
non-standard work hours of the day, without premium payment? (yes / no)

If the answer to (1) is NO, then this questionnaire is complete. Just
respond back with that information.

If the answer is YES, then please complete the following questions.

2. Does your company pay a premium to employees, if they are on-call? (yes /

3. How is the premium calculated? (Eg: 4 hours at regular week per week)

4. Do you also pay another premium if the employee is actually called
on-site? (yes / no) If so, please explain.

5. If the employee resolves the problem from either their home non-work
location or by visiting the problem area on-site, do you pay differently?
(yes / no) If so, please explain.

6. What is the expected response time of a) the initial call-back, and b) a
visit to the problem site, if a visit is required? (eg: a) 30 minutes and b)
1 hour)

7. If you do not pay a premium for oncall support, do you provide any other
type of compensation? If so, what?

8. What is the name of your company or employer?

9. What is your company's primary business? (Manufacturing, software
development, University, etc)

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