OT:Remote Software Management

Mike Shaw ncsa-discussion@ncsysadmin.org
Wed, 5 Mar 2003 10:27:49 -0800 (PST)

Hi All,

I wanted to see what other people are doing for Remote
Software Management, especially in a heterogeneous
environment.  My current situation is that I have Sun
Servers, Linux Servers and Windows Desktops and
I'm using:

- Sun's pprosvc for the Suns
- up2date for Redhat Linux machines
- yast for SuSE Linux machines
- manual updates for Windows machines(hey, I'm a UNIX 
  admin - not a miracle worker!)

Anyway the pprosvc seems to work okay for the Sun
machines and likewise up2date and yast, although it
would be nice to narrow this down to one interface for
both distros(thoughts on apt-ifing these guys?).  But,
my main problem is the Windows side.  I have images
for deploying and redeploying machines, but my problem
is updating them without having to VNC to every single
one.  Is there an up2date/yast/apt like tool for
windows anywhere?  My googling has come up with
nothing viable.

Any thoughts on this would be great.



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