OT:Remote Software Management

Wesley Miaw ncsa-discussion@ncsysadmin.org
Thu, 6 Mar 2003 16:24:01 +0000


> - Sun's pprosvc for the Suns
> - up2date for Redhat Linux machines
> - yast for SuSE Linux machines
> - manual updates for Windows machines(hey, I'm a UNIX 
>   admin - not a miracle worker!)

I believe for multiple RedHat and SuSE machines they want you to look at RedHat
Network and Alice respectively. You can also try to put everything together
under one roof with GNU cfengine. But cfengine is not the most user-friendly
system. It is, however, pretty powerful. We used cfengine at the Berkeley
Multimedia Research Center to do things like password distribution and RPM
updates (with Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris, and Linux).

Microsoft is supposed to have its own system for network deployment of
applications and patches. I think the other people responded about this. GNU
cfengine won't work with Windows.

(On an unrelated note, I think Apple has the best solution for Mac OS X with
Remote Desktop and the /Network directory.)
Wesley Miaw, Wesley Miaw Consulting