setting up a local outbound mailserver at home for dialup

Joseph Mack NA3T jmack at
Sun Jan 11 11:05:23 EST 2004

uOn Fri, 2 Jan 2004, Joseph Mack NA3T wrote:

> On Thu, 20 Nov 2003, Scott wrote:
> > To avoid password prompting by your ISP you can tell postfix to
> > masquerade as a mail server within your ISP domain. For example, I have
> > RoadRunner and configured postfix to use as the
> > relayhost.

I'm still not there. I'm using sendmail-8.12.10 (the latest).

If I have a SMART-HOST entry then all mail to the outside world goes to
the ISP's mail machine without requiring a passwd (which is what I
wanted). But a side effect is that all mail between machines on my home
network (ie that aren't supposed to leave the home network) are also sent
to the SMART-HOST (the specs for SMART-HOST say that _all_ mail will be
relayed to the SMART-HOST).

I want mail to be sent to the same places as my routing tables, ie mail to gets sent to machine foo on my home network, while mail to gets sent to my mail gw (SMART-HOST).

I've looked at ./cf/README for all the commands to put into your file and although I don't understand it much, there doesn't
seem to be any obvious solution.

Does anyone know how to set up mail so that one mailserver on the home
network will distribute all internal mail internally, and only send mail
for outside machines to SMART-HOST? This doesn't have to be sendmail. I'm
happy to use post-fix etc

Thanks Joe

Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
jmack (at) wm7d (dot) net - azimuthal equidistant map
generator at
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