RFID for datacenters

Craig Cook craig at cookitservices.com
Wed Nov 17 13:14:59 EST 2004

1: In a datacenter, how difficult it is to locate a particular device in a room full of devices?
Depends on the Data Center.  Some of the more organized ones I have worked in had maps on walls, broken down to zones, and every rack was labeled.  This made it very easy to locate devices.

2: Does a datacenter do regular inventory control?
None that I have ever worked in (over the last 7 years - 6 data centers).  Well, not physical inventory control.  This is tracked by other means.  You will unusually notice when a server that is in use stops working.  That is what system monitoring is for.

3: Is this a viable/interesting solution ?
Yes, interesting, but maybe not viable.  Having any sort of wireless signal in serious data centers is usually not allowed.  Most I have worked in forced you to turn your cell phone and pager off before entering.  Even cordless phones were banned.  Some people get paranoid about interference with signals when around very expensive, critical hardware and software.  (Personally, I see the chances of interference that will cause harm as remote).

4: What amount would a datacenter be ready to invest in such a system?
No idea.

Since this equipment never moves, I suspect a bar code would be a better alternative.

Craig Cook
Senior Systems Administrator

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