[NCSA-discuss] windows cleanup following gratuitous download

Joseph Mack NA3T jmack at wm7d.net
Fri Oct 27 11:27:39 EDT 2006

On Fri, 27 Oct 2006, Jeff The Riffer wrote:

> I disagree here, though I'm not yet familiar with the local public school
> system. At least some administrations would probably welcome the offer to give
> such a talk.

I'm sure schools would be glad for the kids know the 
information we hope to deliver, but from my experience they 
don't want it done on their time. (Rob McC's following 
e-mail indicates he's found a more sympathetic staff at his 
kid's school.) At my son's school, they only have a bare 
1000 (or so) hrs a year to deliver their material and they 
can't possibly spare 0.1% for anything outside of it.

Anyhow be prepared for some schools to not be interested 

> I can tell you point-blank what a lot of teenagers want: They want to be able
> to ask bold questions and get straight, unfiltered responses. That's nearly
> impossible in the modern public schools. Everyone has an agenda. :P

I assume you mean "...and they aren't going to ask it in a 
class" in which case I agree.

> A webpage is certainly not a bad place to start.

we'll have to wait to see if someone picks up the ball with 
a webpage or a canned talk.


Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
jmack (at) wm7d (dot) net - azimuthal equidistant map
generator at http://www.wm7d.net/azproj.shtml
Homepage http://www.austintek.com/ It's GNU/Linux!

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