[NCSA-discuss] windows/explore/samba - why so slow?

Joseph Mack NA3T jmack at wm7d.net
Sat Sep 9 19:10:43 EDT 2006

On Wed, 6 Sep 2006, Matt Pusateri wrote:

> The benefits of going to a newer version of samba are well worth it.

You were right.


I bit the bullet and upgraded. (nothing to it really, I 
installed 3.0.23b and used my old smb.conf from 3.0.3).
The conversion from Samba-2 to Samba-3 took multiple 
weekends and I wasn't looking forward to ever messing with 
Samba again.

However after the upgrade...

On comparing smb.conf files between the fast and slow samba 
servers I found the slow samba server log level at 10. This 
can run up 0.25Mbyte of logs for just one enquiry. On the 
fast machine I had log level =2. Flipping between log level 
2<->10 brought the response in the `Explorer` window to a 
crawl when you got down 4 levels of directories.

Even looking with `Explorer` into a directory local to the 
client was the same glacial pace if I had the directory tree 
open on the samba server down 4 levels. Apparently windows 
has to refresh everything displayed on the screen if you 
click to reveal one more layer on a local directory.

When I first got Samba-3 up, I was happy that it worked at 
all. I didn't have directories at a depth of more than 2 
back then and wouldn't have seen the problem.

Presumably the upgrade to 3.0.23b wasn't needed, but I'm not 
going to revert :-) Now when someone has a samba problem, I 
just say "well have you tried the latest version?"

Thanks everyone for your suggestions


Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
jmack (at) wm7d (dot) net - azimuthal equidistant map
generator at http://www.wm7d.net/azproj.shtml
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