[NCSA-discuss] 40 hours a week for 6 months

stan briggs stan at stanbriggs.com
Fri Apr 27 16:13:06 EDT 2007


anyone interested? it's all third shift work. pay is pretty good. it's in

80% is support of remote technician doing hardware replacement. 20% is going
on-site to do it one-self. tested procedures are provided that must be
followed for this activity. linux and people skills are need.

if we can't find one person to fill this role we are considering putting
together a two or three person team to support the effort.

email me off-list to discuss. or better, yet, email george terrone (our PM
on this project) at geot at itsco.com. you could also call george at
+1-919-215-6361. tell him that you heard about this on the nc*sa mailing


Stan B. Briggs
www.oBoJ.org: openBBQ/openJam is the open source community coming together
for the benefit of society. our events and work are for the purpose of
raising awareness, raising funds, and performing activities for good causes.
participation is open to all who wish to support worthwhile public causes.

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