[NCSA-discuss] IBM International Conference on the Virtual Computing Initiative

Liyun Yu yu at radonc.unc.edu
Fri Apr 27 16:24:15 EDT 2007

I wish to pass this information to our NC*SA community.
The registration is free.

International Conference on the Virtual Computing Initiative

Subject: The International Conference on the Virtual Computing
Initiative:  IBM University Days at the RTP EAFC on May 7-8

{Angela, Mary Anne, Here is the original announcement for IBM University
Days. Please encourage others at UNC to participate. I will also send the
workshop announcement that just went out - I am hoping there might be
interest there on the medical side of the campus.}

Please distribute this announcement for IBM University Days (and
International Conference on the Virtual Computing Initiative) on May 7-8
(IBM RTP, NC) to your faculty, staff and students. Dean Louis Martin-Vega
(College of Engineering, NCSU) will be the academic keynote speaker. IBM
General Manager Robert LeBlanc will talk about the exciting opportunities
and developments in SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). Sue Horn, VP &
senior site executive for IBM Software Group, will announce several major
awards - and additional funding opportunities. Also on hand will be several
local IBM Fellows and representatives from IBM Research, who will discuss
opportunities for collaboration  - along with a great slate of other
university speakers. And as always, there will be our Recruiting and
Extreme Blue teams for students. And a whole lot of IBMers...........

Thanks in advance. And I hope to see you all there!


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IBM University Days (Spring 2007)
International Conference on the Virtual Computing Initiative (ICVCI)
May 7-8, 2007

The IBM Employee and Activity Center (EAFC)
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Sponsored by
North Carolina State University (NC State)
IBM RTP Center for Advanced Studies (RTP CAS)
IBM North Carolina Technical Experts Council (NC TEC)

Additional conference details can be found at
Please register (for free) at

I would like to welcome all of you to participate in IBM University Days
this coming May 7 and 8 (Monday and Tuesday), starting at 9:00 a.m. each
day, in RTP at the IBM Employee Activity and Fitness Center (EAFC;
directions at the bottom of this note).

This spring, we are very proud to have IBM University Days host the
International Conference on the Virtual Computing Initiative (ICVCI).
Virtualization of information technology resources is going to play a major
role in educational, research, and commercial computing solutions, and this
conference will showcase local university activities in this field. We are
therefore featuring two days of refereed paper presentations by university
researchers and IBM developers on the subject of the Virtual Computing Lab
(VCL; see http://vcl.ncsu.edu/) and its associated supporting technologies
and implementations. There will also be parallel hands-on workshops
presented by the NCSU VCL team and others (about which more detailed
information, including registration instructions, will be forthcoming).

As with previous IBM University Days, this is an important opportunity to
showcase what the academic community has to offer industry. For your
students, it is specifically an opportunity to meet with prospective
employers within the IBM RTP development community.  In addition to IBM
Research, representatives from all IBM divisions at the site have been
invited, and so there will be representation from IBM Software Group (SWG),
IBM Server and Technology Group (STG), IBM Global Services (IGS) and
others. Also on hand will be representatives from all corporate and local
IBM university relations programs, that  support joint research projects
and/or recruit students.This is also an opportunity to hear what other
local universities are doing.

We have a very exciting slate of speakers, that include some of the most
distinguished faculty and executives from our local universities. In
addition to the academic keynote speech by Louis Martin-Vega, the Dean of
the College of Engineering at NC State, we will have:

Robert LeBlanc, IBM General Manager for Global Consulting Services and SOA,
who will speak about some of the latest developments in Service Oriented
Architectures (SOA) and how they will impact universities in classroom,
research and IT/business process support .

Sue Horn (the senior IBM SWG executive for the RTP site and an executive
sponsor of the RTP Center for Advanced Studies or CAS), who will be
announce several awards and important funding opportunities associated with
the Virtual Computing Initiative.

IBM Fellows Jerry Cuomo and Tom Bradicich who will speak about important
advances in virtualization, open source software and server technologies,
and how they will impact the VCL.

................and many other faculty (and IBM Researchers) describing
their research and implementation activities with respect to the VCL (see
the detailed agenda below).

Also, for students, IBM Recruiting and Extreme Blue will be on hand (and
IBM Research will be present and looking for students). So we encourage all
undergraduate and graduate students to attend. Various IBM recruiting
groups will have tables set up amongst the poster sessions, so we greatly
encourage graduate students to present a poster. A poster is a great way to
attract the attention of the prospective IBM employers in attendance.

On a first-come-first-serve basis, there will also be space for poster
sessions/demonstrations by faculty who did not get a chance to present in
the main hall or back room (contact rindos at us.ibm.com with poster details).
And as mentioned above, there will be forthcoming details on parallel VCL

Lunch (and a light breakfast, coffee, beverages, etc.) will be provided.

I therefore hope you and your graduate students will join us. Please
forward this invitation to other interested folks in your department and/or
on campus (along with my apologies for failing to copy them). And do not
hesitate to contact me with any questions or requests at rindos at us.ibm.com.

Note that all previous restrictions on foreign student and faculty
participation have been lifted. (Hooray!!!!!!!!)

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Dean Louis Martin-Vega      IBM GM Robert LeBlanc


May 7, 2007 (Day 1)           IBM EAFC, main hall

8:00-9:00         Sign-in/poster set-up
9:00 - 9:15       Sue Horn, IBM VP (Intro/Awards ceremony)
9:15 - 10:00            Robert Le Blanc, IBM GM, Global Consulting Services
and SOA (Keynote speech)
10:00 - 10:45           Louis Martin-Vega, Dean of Engineering, NCSU
(Keynote speech)
10:45 - 11:00           Break (Set-up)
11:00 - noon            Session 1
                    "The Virtual Computing Laboratory,"  Mladen Vouk et
                    "The Virtual Research Lab: Extending VCI for a
Research Environment," Diane Pozefsky & Stefan Estrada
                    "Beyond Virtual Data Centers: Toward an Open Resource
Control Architecture, " Jeff Chase et al.
noon - 1:00       Lunch
1:00 - 2:00       Session 2
                    "An Innovative Approach with Alice for Attracting K-12
Students to Computing,"  Susan Rodger
                    "Technology and Computer Usage in Middle School
Classrooms: How VCL Approaches Can Address Educational Needs in K-12
                       Education,"  Eric Wiebe & Bethany Hudnutt
                    "Teaching On-line in a Virtual Reality Environment,"
M.H.N. Tabrizi
2:00 - 3:00       Session 3
                    "On-Line Monitoring & Control of Availability of the
Virtual Computing Lab (VCL),"  Kishor Trivedi & Kesari Mishra
                    "Availability in a Virtualized Environment,"
Subramaniam Meenakshisundaram
                    "MAGNET: High-Fidelity Monitoring in Virtual Computing
Environments," Wu-chun Feng & Mark Gardner
3:00 - 3:20       Break
3:20 - 4:00       Session 4
                    "The Virtual Computing Initiative at a Small Public
University: the Extension of Expertise, " Cameron Seay & Gary Tucker
                    "Implementing a VCL Instantiation on the UMBC IBM
Heterogeneous Cluster, "  Milton Halem et al.
4:00- 5:00        Session 5
                    "Role of Virtualization in Utility Computing (IT as a
Service) Model," Santosh Gaur
                    "An Active-Learning Approach for Service Management,"
Piyush Shivam et al.
                    "Autonomic Approach to IT Infrastructure Management in
a Virtual Computing Lab Environment," Hady Abdel Salam et al.

May 8, 2007 (Day 2)           IBM EAFC, main hall

8:00-9:00         Registration
9:00 - 10:00            Keynote speeches: IBM Fellows Jerry Cuomo & Tom
10:00 - 10:15           Break (Set-up)
10:15 - 11:15           Session 6
                   "Simplifying complex middleware solutions using
virtualization," Ruth Willenborg & Shawn Smith
                    "Experimenting with Live Migration using XEN,"
Sebastien Goasguen et al.
                    "Advanced Virtualization Technologies in Automotive
and Aerospace Embedded System Applications," Travis Siegfried et al.
11:15 - 12:15           Session 7
                    "Virtualization Features and Best Practices in the IBM
Power 5 Architecture," Don Evatt
                    "Lightweight Web-Service Wrapper for Command-Line
Programs," Doug E. Brown et al.
                    "Stateless Cluster Management," Egan Ford
12:15 - 1:15            Lunch
1:15 - 2:15       Session 8
                    "Software as a Service Through Virtualization: An
architecture model for next generation application delivery," Brian
Bouterse et al.
                    "The Symbiotic Relationship between Virtual Computing
Lab and Collaboration Technology," Prasun Dewan et al.
                    "Implementations of Agent Program Skeletons in the
Easel Programming Language," Vojislav Stojkovic & Hongwei Huo
2:15 - 3:15       Session 9
                    "Using Virtualization to Teach Linux System
Administration in Online Courses," Jim Owens
                    "Virtual Labs for Graduate Courses in Operating
Systems and Protocol Implementation," James Westall & Robert Geist
                    "Software Testing Curricular Resources," Laurie
3:15 - 4:00       Break/Posters/End of conference

  IBM Employee Activity and Fitness Center,
  Building 400 Cornwallis Drive,
  Research Triangle Park, NC 27709


Directions when approaching RTP traveling east on I40 (from the Greensboro
Take Davis Drive exit #280.
Turn right at the top of the exit ramp.
Go straight through two lights (the second light is the intersection
between Cornwallis Road and Davis Drive).
Almost immediately past the second light, take an immediate right into the
IBM Employee Activity and Fitness Center.
(If you get to the guard gate, you missed the turn-in.)
Park in the lower lot.
Registration and the conference rooms are in the main building.

Directions when approaching RTP traveling west on I40 (from the RDU
Take Davis Drive exit #280.
Turn right at the top of the exit ramp onto Davis Drive.
Go through the stoplight at Cornwallis Road.
Almost immediately after passing through the Cornwallis Road and Davis
Drive intersection, take  an immediate right into the IBM Employee Activity
and Fitness Center.
(If you get to the guard gate, you missed the turn-in.)
Park in the lower lot.
Registration and the conference rooms are in the main building.

Directions when approaching RTP from the Durham Freeway (Highway 147):
Take the Cornwallis Road Exit (exit number 6).
Turn left onto Cornwallis Road.
Turn left onto Davis Drive (the second stoplight).
Take  an immediate right into the IBM Employee Activity and Fitness Center.
(If you get to the guard gate, you missed the turn-in.)
Park in the lower lot.
Registration and the conference rooms are in the main building.

Best regards.

Head, RTP Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) and Coordinator, IBM
Research/AIM Joint Program
email: rindos at us.ibm.com

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