[TriLUG] Fedora

Matt Frye mattfrye at gmail.com
Thu Mar 16 16:35:25 EST 2006

On 3/16/06, ssuehle at gmail.com <ssuehle at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is anyone out there running Core 5 yet? Are there any significant
> improvements to it over Core 4?

I am running FC 5 test 3 specifically for the Xen piece.  However,
there are some significant performance improvements in constituent
software, e.g. apache (2.2), php (5.1), and in the kernel.  There has
also been some work done on multimedia applications, and FC5 comes
with GCC 4.1.

Another convenience of note is that ipw2200-firmware has been included
in the kernel since 2.6.14.  An initial installation/upgrade of FC5
test 3 provides 2.6.15, so no additional software is required for that
wireless card.

For more information, consult the release notes at
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs/Beats .


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