[TriLUG] OT: TWC pushing anti-consumer broadband bill

matt at noway2.thruhere.net matt at noway2.thruhere.net
Tue Feb 22 12:48:08 EST 2011

I agree that "broadband" in the USA is in a sorry state compared to what I
am learning of costs versus throughput in much of the rest of the world. 
Currently the providers have a near monopolistic hold on the market due to
the high infrastructure requirements.   Legislation designed to increase
this stranglehold are, in my humble opinion, a bad thing and municipal
internet service may be one of the few effective competitor options.

However, it is my understanding that 'on line' petitions are nearly
worthless due to the lack of a real signature.  Depending on the time
frames involved it may be a better idea to take up a paper petition that
could be signed at the next Trilug meeting?

Another option would be to write to your congressional representatives
directly and let them know you oppose (or support) this legislation and
why.  Again, paper writing is often times more effective than an email.

> Just when you thought your broadband future was safe, Time Warner Cable
> is back and pushing its anti-consumer broadband bill through the North
> Carolina General Assembly.
> This year's bill, H129/S87, will block cities from providing their
> municipal Internet services, essentially locking up the market for
> companies like Time Warner Cable. While China now has more homes wired
> for fiber Internet, here in North Carolina we are stuck with outdated
> broadband service. We're even behind most of *America*, ranking 41st of
> the 50 states for broadband access (well, except for our neighbors in
> Wilson and Salisbury - they have fiber Internet).
> This bill will also kill any chances that Google will build a fiber
> network anywhere in North Carolina, by the way.
> If you'd like to do something about this sorry state of affairs, you can
> sign the online petition:
> http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/ncbetterbroadband/
> Also, you are invited to attend the House's Public Utilities Committee
> meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) at noon in room 643 of the Legislative
> Office Building, 300 N. Salisbury St, in Raleigh (dress: business casual):
> http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/gascripts/Committees/Committees.asp?sAction=ViewCommittee&sActionDetails=House%20Standing_40
> Thanks for your support!

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