[TriLUG] linode, VPN, SSH

Tom Roche Tom_Roche at pobox.com
Thu Aug 28 13:08:07 EDT 2014

Kevin Otte Wed Aug 27 17:12:02 EDT 2014[1]
>>>>            eth0
>>>> +--------+ +-----------------+
>>>> | linode | ------------------------- | vpn.federal.gov |
>>>> +---------                           +-----------------+
>>>>     | tun0
>>>>     |
>>>>     |
>>>>     |
>>>>     |
>>>> +--------+
>>>> | laptop |
>>>> +--------+

So I was waaaay off. OK, time for me to put that CSC 401 knowledge to work :-)

Joseph Mack NA3T Wed Aug 27 17:18:28 EDT 201[2]
>>> do not copy your private keys anywhere unless you have physical control over them,

I meant public keys (`ssh-copy-id`).

Kevin Otte Thu Aug 28 11:00:36 EDT 2014
>> the screwier part of this whole scenario is the requirement of a static address
>> for [software] that was *designed* for roaming access.

These new requirements seem to be motivated mostly by the arrival in this space of a new contractor (CSC). What better way to "make a splash" than to "solve a problem," and what problems are easier to solve than those one creates ?-)

Igor Partola Thu Aug 28 11:30:36 EDT 2014
> FreedomPop changes my IP reasonably frequently.

Ditto. I'm guessing (ICBW) this is because

1. FP's IP is mobile-oriented (even its home service is 4G) and not bolted-on to a historically cable- or landline-centric service.

2. I tend to power-off FP's modem if the boxes behind it are not in use. I'm on a data-limited (10 GB/month) plan, so seek to reduce wardriving--not to mention, NSA access :-) That being said, I also I have wireless disabled @ home, so this is probably overkill.

Your assistance is appreciated! Tom Roche <Tom_Roche at pobox.com>

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