[TriLUG] Gnu Hurd in Jetsons tk1 or parallela

John Vaughters jvaughters04 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 20 22:55:01 EDT 2014


First of all thanks for the reference to Parallella. That is the first I had heard of it and it is quite amazing to see such technology for so cheap and completely open. As far as Hurd, I beleive your thinking is hard to give a straight no, but I feel very comfortable saying that you have embarked on a very difficult task. Even if your idea is possible, considering that even the Hurd developers are not really prepared for multi-core usage, you are really pushing the boundries. This is really something you would want to raise on the paralella forum. Possibly contact the Hurd Developers to get their focus on heavy multi-core usage.

Please feel free to update us if you find out any interesting information on that idea.

John Vaughters

On Saturday, September 20, 2014 1:09 PM, vikram sai balaji ulaganathan <tayirvadai.vikram at gmail.com> wrote:

I recently purchased the parallela board which has 16 core coprocessor. I
am new to coding and hardware too. I was wondering if Gnu Hurd can be
implemented in it, like each core can implement a micro server. With the
arm's dual core acting as a mach micro kernel and process server. Is it an
idea worth following or is my understanding wrong. Implementation on Jetson
tk1 is also similar.
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