[TriLUG] LetsEncrypt.org - was: The sad state of sysadmin in the age of containers

Alan Porter via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Tue Mar 17 22:25:18 EDT 2015

> Now, onto the real problem: HTTP and lack of signatures. HTTP is easy to
> fix: it needs to die. We should all move to HTTPS, and this summer most
> sites will (see https://letsencrypt.org/).

Thanks for sharing this link, Igor.

I have a question about Let's Encrypt... are their root certificates
embedded in mainstream browsers and operating systems?  If not, then
it is pretty much worthless... sadly, much like CAcert.

The stuff they tout on their web site is just the easy (almost magic)
tools for creating and managing certs.  Sure, that's handy, but that's
not the real problem... we already have simple checklists to corral
our certs through the CA's process.

The real challenge is to have these certificates accepted by the
mainstream browsers.

Am I missing something?


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