[TriLUG] Rescue CD

Warren Myers via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Wed Apr 15 09:51:00 EDT 2015

Haven't used anything like that in a very long time (and the ones I did are
all now dead).

But I found these this morning:

   - http://www.sysresccd.org/Download
   - http://www.avg.com/us-en/avg-rescue-cd

Hope they help.

On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 8:21 AM, David Both via TriLUG <trilug at trilug.org>

> I am trying to find a good, recent rescue CD that I can use to rescue
> Windows systems up through 8.1. There are several apparently well-regarded
> ones out there, but most have not been updated for a few years. My primary
> criteria are that it must run Linux and that it must be able to scan for
> current new malware, viruses, spyware, Trojans, etc.
> I have a customer with a Win8.1 box that is heavily infected. He has
> someone whom he uses for this, and I have recommended another person who
> was recommended to me by Intrex. I would just like to be able to do this
> myself when I run into these types of issues since I am already on-site and
> trying to resolve problems that may be related or affected by these
> infections.
> I am already testing Hiren's Boot Disk, SystemRescueCD and Trinity Rescue
> Kit.
> Any and all suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks!
> --
> *********************************************************
> David P. Both, RHCE
> Millennium Technology Consulting LLC
> Raleigh, NC, USA
> 919-389-8678
> dboth at millennium-technology.com
> www.millennium-technology.com
> www.databook.bz - Home of the DataBook for Linux
> DataBook is a Registered Trademark of David Both
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*Warren Myers*
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