[TriLUG] DIG and Nameservers

Brian McCullough via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Fri Feb 17 16:35:34 EST 2017

On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 04:35:32PM -0500, Aaron S. Joyner wrote:
> First, don't trust whois.  You're on the right track using dig.  Try "dig
> +trace rentalventures.com" to see how a standard resolver walks the set of
> NS authority records from the root nameservers down to the domain in
> question.

Thank you for the usual very informative answer.

Actually, both MX records have been there for a long time, but I suspect
that the following was causing the second to not be seen.

They were "rentalventures.com MX 5 whatever" and "*.rentalventures.com
MX 25 whatever".

When I changed the priorities, I also removed the "*".

Thank you for the explanation about SPF ( TXT ) records.  I didn't know

Thanks again, Aaron.  Long time no see.


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