[TriLUG] Residential IPv4 address stability, etc. (AT&T vs. Google Fiber)

Bill Weinel via TriLUG trilug at trilug.org
Fri Sep 15 10:32:20 EDT 2023

I've been using AT&T fiber internet here since they installed it in my 
neighborhood roughly three years ago and have had no issues.

I was previously using Spectrum here and was glad to get rid of them 
because every six months they wanted to raise my rate! Furthermore, 
Spectrum's service was advertised as being 300mb/sec, but was typically 
half of that or less when measured. They also had significant outages in 
my part of town, which would sometimes last hours. With AT&T, I have 
only experienced one outage in three years and it only lasted about an 
hour. Their speed when checked is usually close to the max advertised 
1gb/sec (...typically runs around 930mb/sec symmetrical when checked 
with speedtest.net.) I also like the fact that since my service is on 
glass fiber, I don't have to worry about lightning surges coming into 
the house which was a problem with Spectrum.

My IP address has always been the same (even though I don't pay extra 
for static IP service ...and that's really a non-issue anyway with 
dynamic DNS service.)

The biggest downside to using AT&T that I saw initially was having to 
use their router (a BGW210-700) to connect to the AT&T fiber adapter. 
However, with their router in 'pass-through' mode, it hasn't been a 
problem. (Depending on your networking equipment and your networking 
expertise, there are ways to eliminate the AT&T router from the equation.)

Google has been trying to get my business, and while they are a few 
dollars cheaper... since I already have Directv service, it's better for 
me to stick with AT&T due to the discount I get from Directv.

All the best,

On 9/14/23 21:43, Mauricio Tavares via TriLUG wrote:
> I am not of any help, but I too am interested in the answer. I have
> Spectrum TV Select Basic TV & Expanded Basic TV Services
> and this month it went up to $85
> On Thu, Sep 14, 2023 at 6:34 PM David Burton via TriLUG
> <trilug at trilug.org> wrote:
>> I'm looking for some advice.
>> Can anyone who has either AT&T fiber or Google fiber please tell me about
>> how long your IPv4 assignments typically last?

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