FW: Important Information on Your DIRECTV DSL Service

Tanner Lovelace ncsa-discussion@ncsysadmin.org
19 Dec 2002 13:48:23 -0500

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On Thu, 2002-12-19 at 13:41, Lance A. Brown wrote:
> FWIW, I have a friend who is a senior network engineer at Worldcom here
> in RTP.  He is optimistic Worldcom will come out of chapter 11 on
> schedule.

Well, that's good to hear.  I can see them being a better bet to
do it than some other companies just because of how diversified=20
they are, and the fact that their problems weren't really
market driven but rather due to "creative accounting" on the
part of management.

Tanner Lovelace | lovelace(at)wayfarer.org | http://wtl.wayfarer.org/
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