LULU - Feedback
Sat, 28 Sep 2002 12:25:59 -0400

I'm sitting at the TNTUG table now typing this.

The Wireless access is great!

I'll second the note about more than one wrist band.  I haven't been able to 
get to that much of the other things that are going on being the only person at 
the table.

We have gotten several folks added to the membership roster, that's great.

I don't really fully understand the peanuts bit, I gather that some of the 
events cost extra, and you pay with peanuts.  I think that may be the best 
balance on how to let folks come in for low cost, and pay for stuff that they 
use, but I haven't seen anything yet that interested me enough to pay extra.  I 
suppose that is due to the heavy focus on entertainment for geeks, where I 
would be far more interested in business use of technology. 

It does appear that folks are enjoying themselves.

Just my $.02