dial up ISP recommendations

Joseph Mack NA3T ncsa-discussion@ncsysadmin.org
Mon, 3 Mar 2003 06:22:58 -0800 (PST)

I'm looking for a dialup ISP.

I have to have:

	o news:

I'd like:
	o access from anywhere in the US, but Chapel Hill will do right
	o competent polite service.

I'd expect them to have their own ntp server but no-one has any idea what
this is and I've given up.

I had IBM for a while, but you had to be running windows and download
their software to sign on. I could handle that. However they changed
their hardware one day and I couldn't connect any more. IBM would have
none of it and I had to get a BIOS upgrade in my modem to get back on.
End of IBM.

I phoned up earthlink this morning to sit on hold while advertisements
were blasted at me. The sales people had no idea what news: was and
switched me through to the tech people who told me that the sales people
could tell me about it. When I said I'd just done that, the tech person
admitted that news wasn't reliable and they had no idea which groups they

I'm looking for dial up so I can do this anywhere and because because of
the problems with higher speeds eg they make you buy the router, but they
keep the passwd (if they want the passwd, then they can keep ownership of
the router too), and the router is no good if you change ISP.

	Thanks Joe
Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
mailto:jmack@wm7d.net - azimuthal equidistant map
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